A seven-planet resonant chain in TRAPPIST-1
FERNANDES, Catarina S.
Université de Liège = University of Liège = Universiteit van Luik = Universität Lüttich [ULiège]
Université de Liège = University of Liège = Universiteit van Luik = Universität Lüttich [ULiège]
Université de Liège = University of Liège = Universiteit van Luik = Universität Lüttich [ULiège]
Université de Liège = University of Liège = Universiteit van Luik = Universität Lüttich [ULiège]
GILLON, Michaël
Université de Liège = University of Liège = Universiteit van Luik = Universität Lüttich [ULiège]
Université de Liège = University of Liège = Universiteit van Luik = Universität Lüttich [ULiège]
JEHIN, Emmanuël
Université de Liège = University of Liège = Universiteit van Luik = Universität Lüttich [ULiège]
Université de Liège = University of Liège = Universiteit van Luik = Universität Lüttich [ULiège]
NASA Ames Research Center Cooperative for Research in Earth Science in Technology [ARC-CREST]
Bay Area Environmental Research Institute [BAER]
NASA Ames Research Center Cooperative for Research in Earth Science in Technology [ARC-CREST]
Bay Area Environmental Research Institute [BAER]
NASA Ames Research Center Cooperative for Research in Earth Science in Technology [ARC-CREST]
Bay Area Environmental Research Institute [BAER]
NASA Ames Research Center Cooperative for Research in Earth Science in Technology [ARC-CREST]
Bay Area Environmental Research Institute [BAER]
HOWELL, Steve B.
NASA Ames Research Center Cooperative for Research in Earth Science in Technology [ARC-CREST]
NASA Ames Research Center Cooperative for Research in Earth Science in Technology [ARC-CREST]
DELREZ, Laetitia
Université de Liège = University of Liège = Universiteit van Luik = Universität Lüttich [ULiège]
Cavendish Laboratory
Université de Liège = University of Liège = Universiteit van Luik = Universität Lüttich [ULiège]
Cavendish Laboratory
MAGAIN, Pierre
Université de Liège = University of Liège = Universiteit van Luik = Universität Lüttich [ULiège]
< Réduire
Université de Liège = University of Liège = Universiteit van Luik = Universität Lüttich [ULiège]
Article de revue
Ce document a été publié dans
Nature Astronomy. 2017, vol. 1, p. 0129
Nature Publishing Group
Résumé en anglais
The TRAPPIST-1 system is the first transiting planet system found orbiting an ultra-cool dwarf star. At least seven planets similar to Earth in radius and in mass were previously found to transit this host star. Subsequently, ...Lire la suite >
The TRAPPIST-1 system is the first transiting planet system found orbiting an ultra-cool dwarf star. At least seven planets similar to Earth in radius and in mass were previously found to transit this host star. Subsequently, TRAPPIST-1 was observed as part of the K2 mission and, with these new data, we report the measurement of an 18.764 d orbital period for the outermost planet, TRAPPIST-1h, which was unconstrained until now. This value matches our theoretical expectations based on Laplace relations and places TRAPPIST-1h as the seventh member of a complex chain, with three-body resonances linking every member. We find that TRAPPIST-1h has a radius of 0.715 Earth radii and an equilibrium temperature of 169 K, placing it at the snow line. We have also measured the rotational period of the star at 3.3 d and detected a number of flares consistent with an active, middle-aged, late M dwarf.< Réduire
Mots clés en anglais
Astrophysics - Solar and Stellar Astrophysics
Astrophysics - Instrumentation and Methods for Astrophysics
Astrophysics - Earth and Planetary Astrophysics
Projet Européen
Stars: dynamical Processes driving tidal Interactions, Rotation and Evolution
SPECULOOS: searching for habitable planets amenable for biosignatures detection around the nearest ultra-cool stars
SPECULOOS: searching for habitable planets amenable for biosignatures detection around the nearest ultra-cool stars
Project ANR
Modélisation du processus de croissance des planètes Joviennes/
Importé de halUnités de recherche