Navigation Laboratoire d'Astrophysique de Bordeaux (LAB) - UMR 5804 par Date
Voici les éléments 1-20 de 3241
A study of chemical systems using signal flow graph theory: application to Neptune
(Planetary and Space Science. vol. 43, pp. 15-24, 1995)Article de revue -
A study of chemical systems using signal flow graph theory
(Advances in Space Research. vol. 16, pp. 105-108, 1995)Article de revue -
10 micron mapping of Jupiter on the CFHT after the impacts of comet P/Shoemaker‐Levy 9
(Geophysical Research Letters. vol. 22, n° 13, pp. 1777-1780, 1995-07)Article de revue -
EVN + MERLIN observations of 3C66B
(Vistas in Astronomy. vol. 41, pp. 237-240, 1997)Article de revue -
Disentangling the main populations of the Zodiacal Cloud from Zodiacal Light observations
(Earth Planets and Space. vol. 50, pp. 473-476, 1998)Article de revue -
EVN+MERLIN Observations of 3C 66B and a Two-Fluid Model for VLBI Jets
Communication dans un congrès -
Formation of Molecular Gas in the debris of violent Galaxy Interactions
(Nature. vol. 403, pp. 867-869, 2000)Article de revue -
Relationship between pro le length and roughness variables for natural surfaces
(International Journal of Remote Sensing. vol. 21, n° 17, pp. 3375-3381, 2000-05-02)Article de revue -
<SUP>12</SUP>CO(1-0) observations of NGC 4848: A Coma galaxy after stripping
(Astronomy and Astrophysics - A&A. vol. 374, pp. 824-838, 2001)Article de revue -
Geophysical models for optimal sounding radar performances on Mars
(EXOBIO, FR, La colle sur loup, 2001)Communication dans un congrès avec actes -
SCIDAR measurements at Pic du Midi
(Astronomy and Astrophysics - A&A. vol. 371, pp. 366-377, 2001)Article de revue -
On Water Detection in Martian Subsurface using sounding Radar
(Icarus. vol. 154, n° 2, pp. 244-257, 2001)Article de revue -
Detection of martian amino acids by chemical derivatization coupled to gas chromatography: In situ and laboratory analysis
(Advances in Space Research. vol. 27, n° 2, pp. 195 - 199, 2001-01)Article de revue -
On Water Detection in Martian Subsurface using sounding Radar
(Icarus. n° 154, pp. 244-257, 2001-07-02)Article de revue -
Molecular line study of the very young protostar IRAM 04191 in Taurus: Infall, rotation, and outflow
(Astronomy and Astrophysics - A&A. vol. 393, pp. 927-947, 2002)Article de revue -
Geoelectrical models and radar echo simulation for shallow radar subsurface water exploration on Mars
Communication dans un congrès -
Etude de performance des sondeurs radar : détection de l'eau dans la subsurface de Mars
(7ème Journées de Caractérisation Micro-ondes et Matériaux JCMM'2002, FR, Toulouse, 2002)Communication dans un congrès avec actes -
Water detection in the Martian subsurface
(GPR 02 proceedings, US, Santa barbara, 2002)Communication dans un congrès avec actes -
ARAGO: a robotic observatrory for the variable sky
Communication dans un congrès -
Antibodies directed against L and D isovaline using a chemical derivatizing reagent for the measurement of their enantiomeric ratio in extraterrestrial samples: First step-production and characterization of antibodies
(Chirality. vol. 14, n° 6, pp. 519-526, 2002-06)Article de revue