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hal.structure.identifierInstitut de Recherche de l'Ecole Navale [IRENAV]
dc.contributor.authorBOUDRAA, Abdelouahab
dc.descriptionPsi_B energy operator is an extension of the cross Teager-Kaiser energy operator which is an non-linear energy tracking operator to deal with complex signals and its usefulness for non-stationary signals analysis has been demonstrated. In this letter two new properties of Psi_B are established. The first property is the link between Psi_B and the dynamic signal which is a generalization of the Instantaneous Frequency (IF). The second property obtained for frequency modulated signals is a simple way to estimate the IF. These properties confirm the interest of Psi_B operator to track the non-stationary of a signal. Results of IF estimation in noisy environment of a non-linear FM signal are presented and comparison to Wigner-Ville distribution and Hilbert transform-based method is provided.
dc.description.abstractEnPsi_B energy operator is an extension of the cross Teager-Kaiser energy operator which is an non-linear energy tracking operator to deal with complex signals and its usefulness for non-stationary signals analysis has been demonstrated. In this letter two new properties of Psi_B are established. The first property is the link between Psi_B and the dynamic signal which is a generalization of the Instantaneous Frequency (IF). The second property obtained for frequency modulated signals is a simple way to estimate the IF. These properties confirm the interest of Psi_B operator to track the non-stationary of a signal. Results of IF estimation in noisy environment of a non-linear FM signal are presented and comparison to Wigner-Ville distribution and Hilbert transform-based method is provided.
dc.publisherInstitution of Engineering and Technology
dc.subjectFM signal
dc.subjectInstantaneous frequency
dc.subjectinstantaneous cross-correlation
dc.subjectHilbert transform
dc.subjectTeager-Kaiser operator
dc.subjectPsi_B energy operator
dc.subjectdynamic signal
dc.subjectpolynomial phase signal
dc.subjectsignal bandwidth
dc.subjectWigner-Ville transform
dc.subjectSignal FM
dc.subjectfréquence instantanée
dc.subjectinter-corrélation instantanée
dc.subjecttransformée d'Hilbert
dc.subjectOpérateur de Teager-Kaiser
dc.subjectopérateur d'énergie Psi_B
dc.subjectsignal dynamique
dc.subjectsignaux à phase polynomiale
dc.subjectlargeur de bande d'un signal
dc.subjecttransformation de Wigner-Ville
dc.title.enInstantaneous frequency estimation of FM signals by Psi_B-energy operator
dc.typeArticle de revue
dc.subject.halSciences de l'ingénieur [physics]/Traitement du signal et de l'image
bordeaux.journalElectronics Letters
bordeaux.hal.laboratoriesInstitut de Mécanique et d’Ingénierie de Bordeaux (I2M) - UMR 5295*
bordeaux.institutionUniversité de Bordeaux
bordeaux.institutionBordeaux INP
bordeaux.institutionArts et Métiers

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