Navigation Institut de Mécanique et d’Ingénierie de Bordeaux (I2M) - UMR 5295 par Titre
Voici les éléments 1-20 de 3276
3D reconstruction of adolescent scoliotic trunk shape from biplanar X-rays: a feasibility study
(Computer Methods in Biomechanics and Biomedical Engineering: Imaging & Visualization. pp. 245-251, 2020)Article de revue -
3MAH : un ensemble de librairies pour analyser le comportement complexe de matériaux hétérogènes
(CSMA 2022 : 15ème colloque national en calcul des structures, CSMA 2022 : 15ème colloque national en calcul des structures, fr, Prequ'ïle de Giens, 2022-05)Autre communication scientifique (congrès sans actes - poster - séminaire...)Libre accès -
A 2D topology optimisation algorithm in NURBS framework with geometric constraints
(International Journal of Mechanics and Materials in Design. vol. 14, n° 4, pp. 669-696, 2017-11-27)Article de revue -
A 3D DEM simulation to study the influence of material and process parameters on spreading of metallic powder in additive manufacturing
(Computational Particle Mechanics. pp. 1, 2021-01-05)Article de revue -
A 6-components mechanistic model of cutting forces and moments in milling
(Forces in Mechanics, 2022-12-01)Article de revueLibre accès -
A Cellular Potts energy-based approach to analyse the influence of the surface topography on single cell motility
(Journal of theoretical biology. vol. 509, pp. 1-19, 2021)Article de revue -
A General Global-Local Modelling Framework for the Deterministic Optimisation of Composite Structures
(Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization. pp. -, 2020-05-26)Article de revue -
A General Hybrid Optimization Strategy for Curve Fitting in the Non-uniform Rational Basis Spline Framework
(Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications. vol. 176, n° 1, pp. 225-251, 2017-11-20)Article de revue -
A general multi-scale two-level optimisation strategy for designing composite stiffened panels
(Composite Structures. vol. 201, pp. 968-979, 2018-10)Article de revue -
A Geometric Framework for Detection of Critical Points in a Trajectory Using Convex Hulls
(ISPRS International Journal of Geo-Information. vol. 7, n° 1, pp. 14, 2018)Article de revue -
A Human-Centred model for cyber attacks analysis
(2018 2nd Cyber Security in Networking Conference (CSNet), FR, Paris, 2018-10)Communication dans un congrès avec actes -
A Joint Spectral Similarity Measure for Graphs Classification
(Pattern Recognition Letters. vol. 120, 2019)Article de revue -
A mesoscopic model using the discrete element method for impacts on dry fabrics
(Matériaux & Techniques. vol. 104, n° 4, pp. 408, 2016-10)Article de revue -
A mesoscopic rheological model of moderately concentrated colloids
(Journal of Non-Newtonian Fluid Mechanics. vol. 212, pp. 1-12, 2014)Article de revue -
A Multidimensional Data-Driven Sparse Identification Technique: The Sparse Proper Generalized Decomposition
(Complexity. vol. 2018, pp. 1-11, 2018)Article de revue -
A new method for extracting knowledge from patents to inspire designers during the problem-solving phase
(Journal of Engineering Design. vol. 28, n° 6, pp. 369-407, 2017)Article de revue -
A novel DEM approach for modeling brittle elastic media based on distinct lattice spring model
(Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering. vol. 350, pp. 100-122, 2019-06)Article de revue -
A phase‐field model for brittle fracture of anisotropic materials
(International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering. vol. 121, n° 15, pp. 3362-3381, 2020-03-31)Article de revue -
A PostgreSQL Extension for Continuous Path and Range Queries in Indoor Mobile Environments
(Pervasive and Mobile Computing. vol. 15, pp. 128-150, 2014-11-01)Article de revue -
A probabilistic approach to study the effect of machined surface states on HCF behavior of a AA7050 alloy
(International Journal of Fatigue. vol. 116, pp. 473-489, 2018-11)Article de revue