A survey on reverse Carleson measures
Communication dans un congrès
This item was published in
Harmonic Analysis, operator theory, function theory, and applications, 2015-06-01, Bordeaux. 2017, vol. 19, p. 91-123
Theta, Bucharest, 2017
English Abstract
This is a survey on reverse Carleson measures for various Hilbert spaces of analytic functions. These spaces include Hardy, Bergman, certain harmonically weighted Dirichlet, Paley-Wiener, Fock, model, and de Branges-Rovnyak ...Read more >
This is a survey on reverse Carleson measures for various Hilbert spaces of analytic functions. These spaces include Hardy, Bergman, certain harmonically weighted Dirichlet, Paley-Wiener, Fock, model, and de Branges-Rovnyak spaces.Read less <
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