Maximal amenable subalgebras arising from maximal amenable subgroups
Article de revue
This item was published in
Geometric And Functional Analysis. 2015, vol. 25, n° 6, p. 1688-1705
Springer Verlag
English Abstract
We provide a general criterion to deduce maximal amenability of von Neumann subalgebras LΛ ⊂ LΓ arising from amenable subgroups Λ of discrete countable groups Γ. The criterion is expressed in terms of Λ-invariant measures ...Read more >
We provide a general criterion to deduce maximal amenability of von Neumann subalgebras LΛ ⊂ LΓ arising from amenable subgroups Λ of discrete countable groups Γ. The criterion is expressed in terms of Λ-invariant measures on some compact Γ-space. The strategy of proof is different from S. Popa's approach to maximal amenability via central sequences [Po83], and relies on elementary computations in a crossed-product C *-algebra.Read less <
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