A note on the Chvátal rank of clique family inequalities
PECHER, Arnaud
Laboratoire Bordelais de Recherche en Informatique [LaBRI]
Reformulations based algorithms for Combinatorial Optimization [Realopt]
Laboratoire Bordelais de Recherche en Informatique [LaBRI]
Reformulations based algorithms for Combinatorial Optimization [Realopt]
PECHER, Arnaud
Laboratoire Bordelais de Recherche en Informatique [LaBRI]
Reformulations based algorithms for Combinatorial Optimization [Realopt]
< Reduce
Laboratoire Bordelais de Recherche en Informatique [LaBRI]
Reformulations based algorithms for Combinatorial Optimization [Realopt]
Article de revue
This item was published in
RAIRO - Operations Research. 2007, vol. 41, p. 289--294
EDP Sciences
English Abstract
Clique family inequalities , form an intriguing class of valid inequalities for the stable set polytopes of all graphs. We prove firstly that their Chvátal-rank is at most a, which provides an alternative proof for the ...Read more >
Clique family inequalities , form an intriguing class of valid inequalities for the stable set polytopes of all graphs. We prove firstly that their Chvátal-rank is at most a, which provides an alternative proof for the validity of clique family inequalities, involving only standard rounding arguments. Secondly, we strengthen the upper bound further and discuss consequences regarding the Chvátal-rank of subclasses of claw-free graphs.Read less <
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