h- and r-Adaptation on Simplicial Meshes Using MMG Tools
Certified Adaptive discRete moDels for robust simulAtions of CoMplex flOws with Moving fronts [CARDAMOM]
Certified Adaptive discRete moDels for robust simulAtions of CoMplex flOws with Moving fronts [CARDAMOM]
Certified Adaptive discRete moDels for robust simulAtions of CoMplex flOws with Moving fronts [CARDAMOM]
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Certified Adaptive discRete moDels for robust simulAtions of CoMplex flOws with Moving fronts [CARDAMOM]
Certified Adaptive discRete moDels for robust simulAtions of CoMplex flOws with Moving fronts [CARDAMOM]
Certified Adaptive discRete moDels for robust simulAtions of CoMplex flOws with Moving fronts [CARDAMOM]
Certified Adaptive discRete moDels for robust simulAtions of CoMplex flOws with Moving fronts [CARDAMOM]
Certified Adaptive discRete moDels for robust simulAtions of CoMplex flOws with Moving fronts [CARDAMOM]
FROEHLY, Algiane
Certified Adaptive discRete moDels for robust simulAtions of CoMplex flOws with Moving fronts [CARDAMOM]
Certified Adaptive discRete moDels for robust simulAtions of CoMplex flOws with Moving fronts [CARDAMOM]
Certified Adaptive discRete moDels for robust simulAtions of CoMplex flOws with Moving fronts [CARDAMOM]
Certified Adaptive discRete moDels for robust simulAtions of CoMplex flOws with Moving fronts [CARDAMOM]
Certified Adaptive discRete moDels for robust simulAtions of CoMplex flOws with Moving fronts [CARDAMOM]
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Certified Adaptive discRete moDels for robust simulAtions of CoMplex flOws with Moving fronts [CARDAMOM]
Chapitre d'ouvrage
This item was published in
Mesh Generation and Adaptation, Mesh Generation and Adaptation. 2022-02-21, vol. 30, p. 183-208
Springer International Publishing
English Abstract
We review some recent work on the enhancement and application of both r- and h-adaptation techniques, benefitting of the functionalities of the remeshing platform Mmg: www.mmgtools.org. Several contributions revolve around ...Read more >
We review some recent work on the enhancement and application of both r- and h-adaptation techniques, benefitting of the functionalities of the remeshing platform Mmg: www.mmgtools.org. Several contributions revolve around the level-set adaptation capabilities of the platform. These have been used to identify complex surfaces and then to either produce conformal 3D meshes, or to define a metric allowing to perform h-adaptation and control geometrical errors in the context of immersed boundary flow simulations. The performance of the recent distributed memory parallel implementation ParMmg is also discussed. In a similar spirit, we propose some improvements of r-adaptation methods to handle embedded fronts.Read less <
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