Evolution and characteristics of the use of valproate in women of childbearing age with bipolar disorder: Results from the FACE-BD cohort
GODIN, Ophelia
Fondation FondaMental [Créteil]
IMRB - "Neuropsychiatrie translationnelle" [Créteil] [U955 Inserm - UPEC]
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Fondation FondaMental [Créteil]
IMRB - "Neuropsychiatrie translationnelle" [Créteil] [U955 Inserm - UPEC]
GODIN, Ophelia
Fondation FondaMental [Créteil]
IMRB - "Neuropsychiatrie translationnelle" [Créteil] [U955 Inserm - UPEC]
Fondation FondaMental [Créteil]
IMRB - "Neuropsychiatrie translationnelle" [Créteil] [U955 Inserm - UPEC]
ETAIN, Bruno
Fondation FondaMental [Créteil]
Groupe Hospitalier Saint Louis - Lariboisière - Fernand Widal [Paris]
Fondation FondaMental [Créteil]
Groupe Hospitalier Saint Louis - Lariboisière - Fernand Widal [Paris]
HENRY, Chantal
Groupe hospitalier universitaire Paris psychiatrie & neurosciences [Paris] [GHU Paris Psychiatrie et Neurosciences]
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Groupe hospitalier universitaire Paris psychiatrie & neurosciences [Paris] [GHU Paris Psychiatrie et Neurosciences]
Article de revue
Ce document a été publié dans
Journal of affective disorders. 2020-11-01, vol. 276, p. 963-969
Résumé en anglais
Background Valproate is associated with teratogenic and neurodevelopmental effects. Several agencies have restricted the conditions of its prescription in bipolar disorders (BD). We aimed to assess the evolution of valproate ...Lire la suite >
Background Valproate is associated with teratogenic and neurodevelopmental effects. Several agencies have restricted the conditions of its prescription in bipolar disorders (BD). We aimed to assess the evolution of valproate prescription and the clinical profile of BD women of childbearing age receiving valproate. Methods Based on a large national cohort, we included all BD women 16–50 years old. Sociodemographic, clinical and pharmacological data were recorded. Logistic regression analyses were used to describe variables associated with valproate prescription. Results Of the 1018 included women 16–50 years old, 26.9% were treated with valproate with a mean daily dosage of 968 mg. The prevalence of BD women using valproate was 32.6% before May 2015 and 17.3% after May 2015 (p<0.001), the date of French regulatory publication of restriction of valproate prescription. The multivariate analysis revealed that the inclusion period after May 2015 (OR=0.54, CI 95% 0.37–0.78, p=0.001), the age lower than 40 years (OR=0.65, CI 95% 0.43–0.98, p=0.040) and the number of lifetime mood episodes (OR=0.98, CI 95% 0.95–0.99, p=0.040) were the variables negatively associated with the use of valproate. Limitations Study could be underpowered to determine a clinical profile associated with valproate prescription. Conclusions The regulatory change in BD women of childbearing age had a significant impact on valproate prescription, even if the prescription rate remains high. Important efforts are needed to help clinicians and patients to improve quality of care in BD women of childbearing age.< Réduire
Mots clés en anglais
Bipolar disorder
Women of childbearing age
Project ANR
Sorbonne Universités à Paris pour l'Enseignement et la Recherche
FondaMental-Cohortes - ANR-10-COHO-0010
FondaMental-Cohortes - ANR-10-COHO-0010
Unités de recherche