Origin, Exposure routes and xenobiotics impart nanoplastics with toxicity on freshwater bivalves
Article de revue
This item was published in
Environmental science.Nano. 2023-01-01
English Abstract
Various environmentally aged plastic wastes were collected from the environment and crushed to the
submicronic scale to get a mix of nanoplastics (NPs) of different natures – mostly polyolefins (PE, PP),
polyesters (PET), ...Read more >
Various environmentally aged plastic wastes were collected from the environment and crushed to the
submicronic scale to get a mix of nanoplastics (NPs) of different natures – mostly polyolefins (PE, PP),
polyesters (PET), polyvinylics (PS and PVC) and undefined shapes (denoted NP-L, mean hydrodynamic
diameter of 285 nm). We aimed to test the toxic effects of NPs of environmental relevance on freshwater
bivalves and compare results to commonly used styrenic NP-PS (206 nm). Corbicula fluminea was exposed to
four different conditions with NPs (0.008 to 10 μg L−1), for 21 days and kept under depuration conditions for 21
additional days: 1) waterborne exposure to NP-L (from the Leyre River), 2) diet-borne exposure to NP-L, 3)
synergic waterborne exposure to NP-L and AlCl3 salt (1 mg L−1), and 4) waterborne exposure to NP-PS.
Enzyme activities and gene expressions were assessed and behavioural tests were performed. Trophic and
synergic exposure to Al3+ ions triggered more gene modulations than direct exposure to NP-L (namely on 12s,
atg12, gal, segpx, p53 and ache). NP-PS were also more harmful than NP-L, but only at high concentrations
(10 μg L−1). The effects of each treatment lasted until 7 days of depuration and no more gene inductions were
observed after 21 days in clean water. Very few effects were shown on phenol-oxidase (PO), and glutathione
S-transferase (GST). However, the inhibition of acetylcholinesterase (AchE) was concomitant with an increase
of the filtration activity of bivalves exposed to NP-L (trophic route) and NP-PS, suggesting neurotoxic effects.
By disturbing the ventilatory activity, NPs could have direct effects on xenobiotic accumulation and excretion
capacities. The results point out how the structure, aging, exposure routes and additional xenobiotics can
interact with adverse outcomes of NPs in bivalves. These findings underline the importance of considering
naturally aged environmental NPs in ecotoxicological studies rather than synthetic latexes, i.e. crosslinked
nanospheres prepared from virgin polymers. This manuscript presents the first data of toxic effects on
freshwater organisms exposed to nanoplastics coming from natural sources. Whereas the majority of papers
have dealt with non-environmentally representative plastics (mainly commercially available polystyrene latexes)
to evaluate nanoplastic effects on organisms, this study develops methods to prepare model nanoplastics from
plastic wastes collected from rivers, and to assess their real adverse effects on aquatic organisms. Significant
differences were found between the inflammatory effects triggered by nanoplastics coming from natural
sources and polystyrene nanobeads. This work suggests that the data published so far in the literature may
underestimate the toxicity of nanoplastics spread in the environment on the aquatic organisms at the bottom
of the food chain, which might consequently impact halieutic resources in the long term.Read less <