In-situ deuteration study of LaFeSi into superconducting LaFeSi(H,D)
Article de revue
This item was published in
Journal of Alloys and Compounds. 2023, vol. 945, p. 169281
English Abstract
In this study we investigate the topotactical deuteration of LaFeSi using in-situ neutron powder diffraction, yielding superconducting LaFeSi(H,D). The structural changes are linked to the thermodynamic nature of the ...Read more >
In this study we investigate the topotactical deuteration of LaFeSi using in-situ neutron powder diffraction, yielding superconducting LaFeSi(H,D). The structural changes are linked to the thermodynamic nature of the chemical process, investigated using thermogravimetric analysis, differential thermal analysis, and mass spectroscopy. Pressure-composition-isotherm measurements further show a remarkably low equilibrium pressure. The reaction is found to be binary with two separate phases LaFeSi and LaFeSiD coexisting during the reaction. The reaction enthalpy, determined using differential thermal analysis is found to be ΔH = − 54.5 kJ/mol. Furthermore the anisotropy of the thermal expansion is observed to change significantly as αc∕αa changes from 6.6 to 1.2. All the LaFeSi(H,D) obtained samples were found to be superconducting with Tc ∼ 10 K, i.e. the value corresponding to stoichiometric composition. We conclude that this gas-solid process does not produce a solid solution with a tunable x(H), LaFeSiHx, where Tc would be continuously changed.Read less <
English Keywords
Iron-based superconductors
In-situneutron powder diffraction
ANR Project
Laboratory of Alliances on Nanosciences - Energy for the Future - ANR-10-LABX-0051
Novel As/Se-free Iron-based Superconductors - ANR-18-CE30-0018
Novel As/Se-free Iron-based Superconductors - ANR-18-CE30-0018
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