Plant sugar metabolism, transport and signalling in challenging environments
Article de revue
This item was published in
Physiologia Plantarum. 2022-09, vol. 174, n° 5
English Abstract
Sugars are the main source of carbon and energy in all living organisms. While sugar metabolism, transport and signaling are key processes involved in biomass production, yield and quality, sugars also play a crucial role ...Read more >
Sugars are the main source of carbon and energy in all living organisms. While sugar metabolism, transport and signaling are key processes involved in biomass production, yield and quality, sugars also play a crucial role in the adaptation of plants to the environment. Over the past decades, these fields have seen major advances but the climate change that the world is currently facing brings new challenges for researchers. This Special Issue will include articles (original research, methods, perspectives, hypotheses, opinions and reviews) on different aspects of sugar metabolism, transport and signaling in relation to climate change. Articles dealing with the crosstalk between sugars and phytohormones will also be welcome as long as it is related to the response of plants to stresses. Overall, this special issue will advance our understanding of the different roles that sugars play in plant physiology, development and adaptation to the environment.Export Citation(s)Read less <
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