Large variability in the motility of spiroplasmas in media of different viscosities
Article de revue
This item was published in
Scientific Reports. 2018-12, vol. 8, n° 1, p. 17138 (1-14)
Nature Publishing Group
English Abstract
Spiroplasmas are bacteria that do not possess flagella and their motility is linked to kink propagation coupled to changes in the cell body helicity. While the motility of bacteria with flagellar motion has been studied ...Read more >
Spiroplasmas are bacteria that do not possess flagella and their motility is linked to kink propagation coupled to changes in the cell body helicity. While the motility of bacteria with flagellar motion has been studied extensively, less work has been devoted to the motility of spiroplasmas. We first show that the motility of such bacteria has large variability from individual to individual as well as large fluctuations in time. The Brownian motion of such bacteria both in orientation and translation is also highlighted. We propose a simple model to disentangle the different components of this motility by examining trajectories of single bacteria in different viscosity solvents. The mean velocity of the bacteria turns out to depend on the viscosity of the medium as it increases with viscosity. Further, the temporal fluctuations of the bacteria motility turn out to be very strong with a direct link to tumbling events particular to this bacteria.Read less <
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