Competition between Pi-coupling and Fulde-Ferrell-Larkin-Ovchinnikov modulation in a periodic array of ferromagnetic-superconducting belayers of atomic thickness
BUZDIN, Alexandre I.
Centre de physique moléculaire optique et hertzienne [CPMOH]
Institut universitaire de France [IUF]
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Centre de physique moléculaire optique et hertzienne [CPMOH]
Institut universitaire de France [IUF]
BUZDIN, Alexandre I.
Centre de physique moléculaire optique et hertzienne [CPMOH]
Institut universitaire de France [IUF]
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Centre de physique moléculaire optique et hertzienne [CPMOH]
Institut universitaire de France [IUF]
Article de revue
This item was published in
Physical Review B: Condensed Matter and Materials Physics (1998-2015). 2006-05-22, vol. 73, n° 17, p. 174519 (15)
American Physical Society
English Abstract
We present the detailed theoretical study of a heterostructure comprising of two coupled ferromagnetic superconducting layers. Our model may be also applicable to the layered superconductors with alternating interlayer ...Read more >
We present the detailed theoretical study of a heterostructure comprising of two coupled ferromagnetic superconducting layers. Our model may be also applicable to the layered superconductors with alternating interlayer coupling in a parallel magnetic field. It is demonstrated that such systems exhibit a competition between the nonuniform Larkin-Ovchinnikov-Fulde-Ferrel (FFLO) state and the superconducting state where the sign of the superconducting order parameter is opposite in adjacent layers. We determine the complete temperature-field phase diagram both in the cases of low and strong interlayer coupling. In the former we obtain a new Pi-phase inserted within the FFLO phase and located close to the usual tricritical point, whereas in the latter the bilayer in the state reveals a very high paramagnetic limit and the phenomenon of field-induced superconductivity.Read less <
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