Electrochemical characterization of YSZ thick films deposited by dip-coating process
Article de revue
This item was published in
Journal of Power Sources. 2007, vol. 171, n° 2, p. 783-788
English Abstract
Yttria stabilized zirconia (YSZ, 8% Y2O3) thick films were coated on dense alumina substrates by a dip-coating process. The suspension was obtained by addition of a polymeric matrix in a stable suspension of commercial YSZ ...Read more >
Yttria stabilized zirconia (YSZ, 8% Y2O3) thick films were coated on dense alumina substrates by a dip-coating process. The suspension was obtained by addition of a polymeric matrix in a stable suspension of commercial YSZ (Tosoh) powders dispersed in an azeotropic mixture MEK-EtOH. The suspension composition was improved by the addition of YSZ Tosoh particles encapsulated by zirconium alkoxide sol containing yttrium nitrate which are the precursors of the 8-YSZ oxide. This optimal formulation allowed preparing, via a dip-coating process, thick films which were, after thermal treatment, homogeneous, dense and crack-free. A specific method was performed to measure the electrical conductivity, i.e. to determine the ionic conductivity of the film: it uses the four-point probe technique combined with ac impedance spectroscopy. The good agreement between the classical two-electrode measurements performed on YSZ pellets and the four-electrode ones performed on YSZ films allows concluding that this method is relevant for characterizing the transport properties of thick films.Read less <
English Keywords
Four-point probe conductivity measurements
Sol-gel processes
Thick films
YSZ ionic conductivity
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