Ab initio investigation of the crystal and electronic structures of the nitride fluoride ThNF
Article de revue
This item was published in
Solid State Sciences. 2013, vol. 18, p. 123-126
English Abstract
A revisit of the early crystal structure determination of rhombohedral ThNF is done using DFT based methods. From full geometry optimizations and energies, an insulating ground state with updated atomic coordinates is ...Read more >
A revisit of the early crystal structure determination of rhombohedral ThNF is done using DFT based methods. From full geometry optimizations and energies, an insulating ground state with updated atomic coordinates is identified in better agreement with an iono-covalent chemical picture showing stronger Th-N bonding versus Th-F and d(Th-N) < d(Th-F). A comparison with tetragonal ThNCl homolog is presented.Read less <
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