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dc.contributor.authorVANDOROU, Aikaterini
dc.contributor.authorBENNETT, David P.
hal.structure.identifierInstitut d'Astrophysique de Paris [IAP]
dc.contributor.authorBEAULIEU, Jean-Philippe
dc.contributor.authorALARD, Christophe L.
dc.contributor.authorBLACKMAN, Joshua W.
dc.contributor.authorCOLE, Andrew A.
dc.contributor.authorBHATTACHARYA, Aparna
dc.contributor.authorBOND, Ian A.
hal.structure.identifierM2A 2019
dc.contributor.authorMARQUETTE, J.-B.
dc.description.abstractEnWe present the analysis of high-resolution images of MOA-2013-BLG-220, taken with the Keck adaptive optics system 6 years after the initial observation, and identify the lens as a solar type star hosting a super-Jupiter mass planet. The masses of planets and host stars discovered by microlensing are often not determined from the light curve data, while the star-planet mass ratio and projected separation in units of Einstein ring radius are well measured. High resolution follow-up observations after the lensing event is complete, can resolve the source and lens, as well as measure their fluxes, amplitude and direction of relative proper motion, giving us strong constraints on the observed system parameters. Due to the high relative proper motion of this event, $\mu_{rel,G} = 12.6 \pm 0.3$ mas/yr, we were able to resolve the source and lens with a separation of $77.6 \pm 0.4$ mas. As a consequence we constrain the lens NIR flux to $K_L = 17.92\pm 0.05$. By combining constraints from the initial model and the AO flux, we find the lens star to have a mass of $M_L = 0.89 \pm 0.05\ \rm M_\odot$ located at $D_L = 6.96 \pm 0.60$ kpc. With a mass ratio of $q = (3.26 \pm 0.04) \times 10^{-3}$ from reanalysis of the light-curve, the planet is found to have a mass of $M_P = 3.06 \pm 0.18\ M_{J}$ and a separation of $r_\perp = 2.46 \pm 0.23$ AU. This mass is much higher than the prediction of a Bayesian analysis that assumes that all stars have an equal probability to host a planet of the measured mass ratio, and it suggests that planets with a mass ratio of a few $\times 10^{-3}$ are more common orbiting massive stars. This demonstrates the importance of high angular resolution follow-up observations.
dc.subject.enAstrophysics - Earth and Planetary Astrophysics
dc.title.enRevisiting MOA 2013 BLG-220L: A Solar-type star with a super-Jupiter companion
dc.typeDocument de travail - Pré-publication
dc.subject.halPlanète et Univers [physics]/Astrophysique [astro-ph]/Instrumentation et méthodes pour l'astrophysique [astro-ph.IM]

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