Institut de Mathématiques de Bordeaux (IMB) - UMR 5251: Dépôts récents
Voici les éléments 861-880 de 6384
Sparse-Based Morphometry: Principle and Application to Alzheimer's Disease
Communication dans un congrès -
Stability results for the parameter identification inverse problem in cardiac electrophysiology
(Inverse Problems. vol. 32, n° 11, pp. 1-31, 2016)Article de revue -
Segmentation of the left ventricular endocardium from magnetic resonance images by using different statistical shape models
(Journal of Electrocardiology. vol. 49, n° 3, pp. 383–391, 2016-05-01)Article de revue -
Front observer for data assimilation of electroanatomical mapping data for a numerical atrial model
(Liryc Workshop, FR, Bordeaux)Autre communication scientifique (congrès sans actes - poster - séminaire...) -
Integration of data and model in cardiac electrophysiology
(Liryc Workshop, FR, Pessac, 2016-09-30)Autre communication scientifique (congrès sans actes - poster - séminaire...) -
Sums of the digits in bases 2 and 3
(Springer, 2017)Chapitre d'ouvrage -
Optimization of Organ Conductivity for the Forward Problem of Electrocardiography
Communication dans un congrès -
Lower bounds for the dyadic Hilbert transform
(Annales de la Faculté des Sciences de Toulouse. Mathématiques. vol. 27, pp. 265-284, 2018)Article de revue -
Identification of sources for the bidomain equation using topological gradient
Communication dans un congrès -
Sensitivity of the electrocardiographic forward problem to the heart potential measuement noise and conductivity uncertainties
Communication dans un congrès -
A Nash-game approach to solve the Coupled problem of conductivity identification and data completion
Communication dans un congrès -
Optimization of Organ Conductivity for the Forward Problem of Electrocardiography
(Journées scientifiques du LIRYC, FR, Pessac)Autre communication scientifique (congrès sans actes - poster - séminaire...) -
Stability results for the parameter identification inverse problem in cardiac electrophysiology
Communication dans un congrès -
Turing pattern dynamics and adaptive discretization for a superdiffusive Lotka-Volterra system
(Journal of Mathematical Biology. vol. 6, pp. 1441-1465, 2016)Article de revue -
An ALE residual distribution approach applied to the penalized Navier Stokes equations on adapted grids for moving solids
Communication dans un congrès -
An adaptive, residual based splitting approach for the time dependent penalized Navier Stokes equations.
Communication dans un congrès -
Advanced numerical methods for ice trajectory calculations
Communication dans un congrès -
Computational helioseismology in the frequency domain: acoustic waves in axisymmetric solar models with flows
(Astronomy and Astrophysics - A&A. vol. 600, pp. A35, 2017-04)Article de revue -
Analysis-suitable G1 multi-patch parametrizations for C1 isogeometric spaces
(Computer Aided Geometric Design, 2016-10-01)Article de revue