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hal.structure.identifierInserm U1035, Biotherapies des Maladies Genetiques et Cancers, Univ Bordeaux, CHU de Bordeaux, Pole de Biologie et Pathologie
dc.contributor.authorBUSCAIL, Etienne
hal.structure.identifierInserm U1035, Biotherapies des Maladies Genetiques et Cancers, Univ Bordeaux, CHU de Bordeaux, Pole de Biologie et Pathologie
dc.contributor.authorCHAUVET, Alexandre
hal.structure.identifierInserm U1035, Biotherapies des Maladies Genetiques et Cancers, Univ Bordeaux, CHU de Bordeaux, Pole de Biologie et Pathologie
dc.contributor.authorQUINCY, Pascaline
hal.structure.identifierInserm U1035, Biotherapies des Maladies Genetiques et Cancers, Univ Bordeaux, CHU de Bordeaux, Pole de Biologie et Pathologie
dc.contributor.authorDEGRANDI, Olivier
dc.contributor.authorBUSCAIL, Camille
hal.structure.identifierInserm U1035, Biotherapies des Maladies Genetiques et Cancers, Univ Bordeaux, CHU de Bordeaux, Pole de Biologie et Pathologie
dc.contributor.authorLAMRISSI, Isabelle
hal.structure.identifierInserm U1035, Biotherapies des Maladies Genetiques et Cancers, Univ Bordeaux, CHU de Bordeaux, Pole de Biologie et Pathologie
dc.contributor.authorMORANVILLIER, Isabelle
dc.contributor.authorCAUMONT, Charline
dc.contributor.authorVERDON, Severine
hal.structure.identifierChimie et Biologie des Membranes et des Nanoobjets [CBMN]
dc.contributor.authorBRISSON, Alain
dc.contributor.authorMARTY, Marion
hal.structure.identifierInserm U1035, Biotherapies des Maladies Genetiques et Cancers, Univ Bordeaux, CHU de Bordeaux, Pole de Biologie et Pathologie
dc.contributor.authorCHICHE, Laurence
hal.structure.identifierInserm U1035, Biotherapies des Maladies Genetiques et Cancers, Univ Bordeaux, CHU de Bordeaux, Pole de Biologie et Pathologie
dc.contributor.authorLAURENT, Christophe
hal.structure.identifierInserm U1035, Biotherapies des Maladies Genetiques et Cancers, Univ Bordeaux, CHU de Bordeaux, Pole de Biologie et Pathologie
dc.contributor.authorVENDRELY, Veronique
hal.structure.identifierInserm U1035, Biotherapies des Maladies Genetiques et Cancers, Univ Bordeaux, CHU de Bordeaux, Pole de Biologie et Pathologie
dc.contributor.authorMOREAU-GAUDRY, Francois
hal.structure.identifierInserm U1035, Biotherapies des Maladies Genetiques et Cancers, Univ Bordeaux, CHU de Bordeaux, Pole de Biologie et Pathologie
dc.contributor.authorBEDEL, Aurelie
hal.structure.identifierInserm U1035, Biotherapies des Maladies Genetiques et Cancers, Univ Bordeaux, CHU de Bordeaux, Pole de Biologie et Pathologie
dc.contributor.authorDABERNAT, Sandrine
dc.description.abstractEnTumor-released extracellular vesicles (EVs) contain tumor-specific cargo distinguishing them from healthy EVs, and making them eligible as circulating biomarkers. Glypican 1 (GPC1)-positive exosome relevance as liquid biopsy elements is still debated. We carried out a prospective study to quantify GPC1-positive exosomes in sera from pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma (PDAC) patients undergoing up-front surgery, as compared to controls including patients without cancer history and patients displaying pancreatic preneoplasic lesions. Sera were enriched in EVs, and exosomes were pulled down with anti-CD63 coupled magnetic beads. GPC1-positive bead percentages determined by flow cytometry were significantly higher in PDAC than in the control group. Diagnosis accuracy reached 78% (sensitivity 64% and specificity 90%), when results from peripheral and portal blood were combined. In association with echo-guided-ultrasound-fine-needle-aspiration (EUS-FNA) negative predictive value was 80% as compared to 33% for EUS-FNA only. This approach is clinically relevant as a companion test to the already available diagnostic tools, since patients with GPC1-positive exosomes in peripheral blood showed decreased tumor free survival.
dc.rightsAttribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 United States*
dc.title.enCD63-GPC1-Positive Exosomes Coupled with CA19-9 Offer Good Diagnostic Potential for Resectable Pancreatic Ductal Adenocarcinoma
dc.typeArticle de revueen_US
bordeaux.journalTranslational Oncologyen_US
bordeaux.hal.laboratoriesInstitut de Chimie & de Biologie des Membranes & des Nano-objets (CBMN) - UMR 5248en_US
bordeaux.institutionBordeaux INPen_US
bordeaux.institutionUniversité de Bordeauxen_US

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