Crossing Environmental Ethics and Environmental Economics
Article de revue
Ce document a été publié dans
International Review of Environmental and Resource Economics. 2024-01-01, vol. 18, n° 4, p. 443-490
Résumé en anglais
This article confronts strands of thought in environmental ethics with environmental economics. Three approaches in ethics are addressed: that pointing to the rights of individual natural entities, the holistic approach, ...Lire la suite >
This article confronts strands of thought in environmental ethics with environmental economics. Three approaches in ethics are addressed: that pointing to the rights of individual natural entities, the holistic approach, and the relational approach of Human and Nature. They are confronted with three strands of thought in environmental economics: the welfare economics approach, the biophysical-centric approach, the relational economic approach. The confrontation of ethics and environmental economics allow us to draw some insights both for academic research and environmental policy.< Réduire
Mots clés en anglais
Environmental economics
Environmental politics
Project ANR
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Importé de halUnités de recherche