Maternal diet quality with child allergic and respiratory multimorbidity in the Elfe birth cohort
Article de revue
Ce document a été publié dans
Scientific Reports. 2024-06-06, vol. 14, n° 1, p. 13048
Résumé en anglais
© The Author(s) 2024.Evidence linking maternal diet during pregnancy to allergic or respiratory diseases in children remains sparse, and outcomes were mainly studied separately. We aim to investigate these associations by ...Lire la suite >
© The Author(s) 2024.Evidence linking maternal diet during pregnancy to allergic or respiratory diseases in children remains sparse, and outcomes were mainly studied separately. We aim to investigate these associations by considering clusters of allergic and respiratory multimorbidity among 9679 motheru2013child pairs from the Elfe birth cohort. Maternal diet quality was evaluated using a food-based score (Diet Quality score), a nutrient-based score (PANDiet score) and food group intakes. Adjusted multinomial logistic regressions on allergic and respiratory multimorbidity clusters up to 5.5 years were performed. Child allergic and respiratory diseases were described through five clusters: u201casymptomaticu201d (43%, reference), u201cearly wheeze without asthmau201d (34%), u201casthma onlyu201d (7%), u201callergies without asthmau201d (7%), u201cmulti-allergicu201d (9%). A higher PANDiet score and an increased legume consumption were associated with a reduced risk of belonging to the u201cearly wheeze without asthmau201d cluster. A U-shaped relationship was observed between maternal fish consumption and the u201callergies without asthmau201d cluster. To conclude, adequate nutrient intake during pregnancy was weakly associated with a lower risk of u201cearly wheeze without asthmau201d in children. No association was found with food groups, considered jointly or separately, except for legumes and fish, suggesting that maternal adherence to nutritional guidelines might be beneficial for allergic and respiratory diseases prevention.< Réduire
Mots clés en anglais
Maternal diet
Project ANR
Influence de l'alimentation infantile sur la croissance et le développement de l'enfant
Unités de recherche