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hal.structure.identifierInterpretation and Modelling of Images and Videos [PERCEPTION]
hal.structure.identifierPrograMming and scheduling design fOr Applications in Interactive Simulation [MOAIS]
dc.contributor.authorPETIT, Benjamin
hal.structure.identifierPrograMming and scheduling design fOr Applications in Interactive Simulation [MOAIS]
dc.contributor.authorLESAGE, Jean-Denis
hal.structure.identifierInterpretation and Modelling of Images and Videos [PERCEPTION]
dc.contributor.authorMENIER, Clément
hal.structure.identifierSimulation in Healthcare using Computer Research Advances [SHACRA]
dc.contributor.authorALLARD, Jérémie
hal.structure.identifierLaboratoire Bordelais de Recherche en Informatique [LaBRI]
hal.structure.identifierVisualization and manipulation of complex data on wireless mobile devices [IPARLA ]
dc.contributor.authorFRANCO, Jean-Sébastien
hal.structure.identifierPrograMming and scheduling design fOr Applications in Interactive Simulation [MOAIS]
dc.contributor.authorRAFFIN, Bruno
hal.structure.identifierInterpretation and Modelling of Images and Videos [PERCEPTION]
dc.contributor.authorBOYER, Edmond
hal.structure.identifierVirtual environments for animation and image synthesis of natural objects [EVASION]
dc.contributor.authorFAURE, François
dc.description.abstractEnWe present a multicamera real-time 3D modeling system that aims at enabling new immersive and interactive environments. This system, called Grimage, allows to retrieve in real-time a 3D mesh of the observed scene as well as the associated textures. This information enables a strong visual presence of the user into virtual worlds. The 3D shape information is also used to compute collisions and reaction forces with virtual objects, enforcing the mechanical presence of the user in the virtual world. The innovation is a fully integrated system with both immersive and interactive capabilities. It embeds a parallel version of the EPVH modeling algorithm inside a distributed vision pipeline. It also adopts the hierarchical component approach of the FlowVR middleware to enforce software modularity and enable distributed executions. Results show high refresh rates and low latencies obtained by taking advantage of the I/O and computing resources of PC clusters. The applications we have developed demonstrate the quality of the visual and mechanical presence with a single platform and with a dual platform that allows telecollaboration.
dc.description.sponsorshipData trAnsfert for Large Interactive Applications - ANR-06-MDCA-0003
dc.title.enMulticamera Real-Time 3D Modeling for Telepresence and Remote Collaboration
dc.typeArticle de revue
dc.subject.halInformatique [cs]/Vision par ordinateur et reconnaissance de formes [cs.CV]
dc.subject.halInformatique [cs]/Synthèse d'image et réalité virtuelle [cs.GR]
bordeaux.journalInternational Journal of Digital Multimedia Broadcasting
bordeaux.pageArticle ID 247108, 12 pages
bordeaux.hal.laboratoriesLaboratoire Bordelais de Recherche en Informatique (LaBRI) - UMR 5800*
bordeaux.institutionUniversité de Bordeaux
bordeaux.institutionBordeaux INP

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