Navigation Laboratoire Bordelais de Recherche en Informatique (LaBRI) - UMR 5800 par Date
Voici les éléments 1-20 de 1768
Constructor Equivalent Term Rewriting Systems
(Information Processing Letters. vol. 47, pp. 131--137, 1993)Article de revue -
Constructor Equivalent Term Rewriting Systems are Strongly Sequential: a direct proof
(Information Processing Letters. vol. 52, pp. 137--145, 1994)Article de revue -
Bounded, Strongly Sequential and Forward-branching Term Rewriting Systems
(Journal of Symbolic Computation. vol. 18, pp. 319--352, 1994)Article de revue -
Decidable Call by Need Computations in Term Rewriting
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L'ellipse modale en français: le cas de "pouvoir" et "devoir"
(Cahiers de Grammaire. vol. 26, pp. 55-74, 2001)Article de revue -
PaStiX: A Parallel Direct Solver for Sparse SPD Matrices based on Efficient Static Scheduling and Memory Managment
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On the Modularity of Deciding Call-by-Need
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Dynamic Face Tracing - Mirage Effect Simulation
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Partitioning a square into rectangles: NP-completeness and approximation algorithms
(Algorithmica. vol. 34, pp. 217-239, 2002)Article de revue -
The iso-level scheduling heuristic for heterogeneous processors
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A realistic model and an efficient heuristic for scheduling with heterogeneous processors
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[Sans titre]
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Modélisation de pipelines hétérogènes
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Optimisation de l'occupation mémoire pour un solveur parallèle creux direct hautes performances de type supernodal
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Parallel factorization of very large sparse SPD systems on a network of SMP nodes
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