Bryophyte gas-exchange dynamics along varying hydration status reveal a significant carbonyl sulphide (COS) sink in the dark and COS source in the light
GENTY, Bernard
Institut de Biosciences et Biotechnologies d'Aix-Marseille (ex-IBEB) [BIAM]
Protéines de Protection des Végétaux [PPV]
Photosynthèse & Environnement [P&E]
< Réduire
Institut de Biosciences et Biotechnologies d'Aix-Marseille (ex-IBEB) [BIAM]
Protéines de Protection des Végétaux [PPV]
Photosynthèse & Environnement [P&E]
Article de revue
Ce document a été publié dans
New Phytologist. 2017, vol. 215, n° 3, p. 965-976
Résumé en anglais
Carbonyl sulphide (COS) is a potential tracer of gross primary productivity (GPP), assuming a unidirectional COS flux into the vegetation that scales with GPP. However, carbonic anhydrase (CA), the enzyme that hydrolyses ...Lire la suite >
Carbonyl sulphide (COS) is a potential tracer of gross primary productivity (GPP), assuming a unidirectional COS flux into the vegetation that scales with GPP. However, carbonic anhydrase (CA), the enzyme that hydrolyses COS, is expected to be light independent, and thus plants without stomata should continue to take up COS in the dark. We measured net CO2 (A(C) ) and COS (A(S) ) uptake rates from two astomatous bryophytes at different relative water contents (RWCs), COS concentrations, temperatures and light intensities. We found large A(S) in the dark, indicating that CA activity continues without photosynthesis. More surprisingly, we found a nonzero COS compensation point in light and dark conditions, indicating a temperature-driven COS source with a Q10 (fractional change for a 10°C temperature increase) of 3.7. This resulted in greater A(S) in the dark than in the light at similar RWC. The processes underlying such COS emissions remain unknown. Our results suggest that ecosystems dominated by bryophytes might be strong atmospheric sinks of COS at night and weaker sinks or even sources of COS during daytime. Biotic COS production in bryophytes could result from symbiotic fungal and bacterial partners that could also be found on vascular plants.< Réduire
Mots clés
sulfure de carbonyle
anhydrase carbonique
marchantia polymorpha
Mots clés en anglais
carbonic anhydrase
Scleropodium purum
Projet Européen
Carbonic anhydrase: where the CO2, COS and H2O cycles meet
Project ANR
Etude des mécanismes de régulation de l'anhydrase carbonique et des flux de COS et CO18O dans les écosystèmes terrestres
Importé de halUnités de recherche