Alternate Structural-Textural Video Inpainting for Spot Defects Correction in Movies
PIERRE, Fabien
Laboratoire Lorrain de Recherche en Informatique et ses Applications [LORIA]
Augmentation visuelle d'environnements complexes [MAGRIT-POST]
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Laboratoire Lorrain de Recherche en Informatique et ses Applications [LORIA]
Augmentation visuelle d'environnements complexes [MAGRIT-POST]
PIERRE, Fabien
Laboratoire Lorrain de Recherche en Informatique et ses Applications [LORIA]
Augmentation visuelle d'environnements complexes [MAGRIT-POST]
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Laboratoire Lorrain de Recherche en Informatique et ses Applications [LORIA]
Augmentation visuelle d'environnements complexes [MAGRIT-POST]
Communication dans un congrès
Ce document a été publié dans
SSVM 2019 - Seventh International Conference on Scale Space and Variational Methods in Computer Vision, 2019-06-30, Hofgeismar. 2019
Résumé en anglais
We propose a new video inpainting model for movies restoration application. Our model combines structural reconstruction with a diffusion-based method and textural reconstruction with a patch-based method. Both proposed ...Lire la suite >
We propose a new video inpainting model for movies restoration application. Our model combines structural reconstruction with a diffusion-based method and textural reconstruction with a patch-based method. Both proposed energies (one for each method) are alternatively minimized in order to preserve the overall structure while adding textural refinement. While the structural reconstruction is obtained jointly with optical flow computation with several proximal approaches, the textural reconstruction is processed by a variational non-local approach. Preliminary results on different Middlebury frames show quality improvement in the reconstruction.< Réduire
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