Quelle méthodologie pour dépouiller l'enquête Bourciez ?
GENADOT, Alexandre
Méthodes avancées d’apprentissage statistique et de contrôle [ASTRAL]
Université de Bordeaux [UB]
Institut de Mathématiques de Bordeaux [IMB]
Méthodes avancées d’apprentissage statistique et de contrôle [ASTRAL]
Université de Bordeaux [UB]
Institut de Mathématiques de Bordeaux [IMB]
GENADOT, Alexandre
Méthodes avancées d’apprentissage statistique et de contrôle [ASTRAL]
Université de Bordeaux [UB]
Institut de Mathématiques de Bordeaux [IMB]
< Réduire
Méthodes avancées d’apprentissage statistique et de contrôle [ASTRAL]
Université de Bordeaux [UB]
Institut de Mathématiques de Bordeaux [IMB]
Communication dans un congrès
Ce document a été publié dans
Ièr, deman : diga-m'o dins la lenga, 2021-11-26, Montpellier.
Résumé en anglais
An astonishing team of researchers, teachers and, above all, lovers of the Langue d'Oc with diverse and varied skills, has been carrying out a systematic analysis of the Bourciez survey for just over a year. In 1894, Edouard ...Lire la suite >
An astonishing team of researchers, teachers and, above all, lovers of the Langue d'Oc with diverse and varied skills, has been carrying out a systematic analysis of the Bourciez survey for just over a year. In 1894, Edouard Bourciez, then a professor at the University of Bordeaux, asked teachers in the Bordeaux and Toulouse academies to translate a reworked version of the parable of the prodigal son into the idiom of the commune where they taught. The results of this investigation undoubtedly exceeded the professor's expectations, since more than 4400 parables were returned to him. These manuscripts are now kept at the University of Bordeaux and form a corpus of 17 volumes of about 1000 manuscript pages each. We are very grateful to the university library for allowing us to have them. For reasons that are not easy to explain, a systematic analysis of this survey has never been carried out, except for the Basque part corresponding to 150 municipalities, i.e. less than 4 percent of the corpus.We are proceeding with the analysis of this survey according to the following four points, not in series, but in parallel:- Computer transcription of the manuscripts ;- Creation of the database;- Data mining and statistical analysis of the database;- Formatting of the results in a format accessible to the greatest number of people.< Réduire
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