Parallel Metric-Based Mesh Adaptation in PETSc using ParMmg
BARRAL, Nicolas
Institut Polytechnique de Bordeaux [Bordeaux INP]
Certified Adaptive discRete moDels for robust simulAtions of CoMplex flOws with Moving fronts [CARDAMOM]
Institut de Mathématiques de Bordeaux [IMB]
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Institut Polytechnique de Bordeaux [Bordeaux INP]
Certified Adaptive discRete moDels for robust simulAtions of CoMplex flOws with Moving fronts [CARDAMOM]
Institut de Mathématiques de Bordeaux [IMB]
BARRAL, Nicolas
Institut Polytechnique de Bordeaux [Bordeaux INP]
Certified Adaptive discRete moDels for robust simulAtions of CoMplex flOws with Moving fronts [CARDAMOM]
Institut de Mathématiques de Bordeaux [IMB]
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Institut Polytechnique de Bordeaux [Bordeaux INP]
Certified Adaptive discRete moDels for robust simulAtions of CoMplex flOws with Moving fronts [CARDAMOM]
Institut de Mathématiques de Bordeaux [IMB]
Document de travail - Pré-publication
Résumé en anglais
This research note documents the integration of the MPI-parallel metric-based mesh adaptation toolkit ParMmg into the solver library PETSc. This coupling brings robust, scalable anisotropic mesh adaptation to a wide community ...Lire la suite >
This research note documents the integration of the MPI-parallel metric-based mesh adaptation toolkit ParMmg into the solver library PETSc. This coupling brings robust, scalable anisotropic mesh adaptation to a wide community of PETSc users, as well as users of downstream packages. We demonstrate the new functionality via the solution of Poisson problems in three dimensions, with both uniform and spatially-varying right-hand sides.< Réduire
Mots clés en anglais
mesh adaptation
Riemannian metric
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