Smartphone-Based Virtual Agents Can Help the General Population Concerned by Sleep Complaints: A Proof-of-Concept Study During COVID-19 Confinement
Document de travail - Pré-publication
Ce document a été publié dans
SSRN : Social Science Research Network.
Résumé en anglais
Background: The COVID-19 crisis induces psychosocial stress and sleep complaints that require early management. KANOPEE is a smartphone-based application, providing an interaction with a virtual agent dedicated to screen ...Lire la suite >
Background: The COVID-19 crisis induces psychosocial stress and sleep complaints that require early management. KANOPEE is a smartphone-based application, providing an interaction with a virtual agent dedicated to screen and deliver behavioral interventions to fight sleep disorders. This paper describes the feasibility study of this application, during the context of COVID-19 confinement in France. Method: 2,069 users of aged 18 years and over downloaded the app during the inclusion period (between 22 April and 5 May 2020). Users first answered a screening interview based on the insomnia severity index (ISI) that was conducted by the virtual agent. If participants were positive for insomniac complaints (ISI > 14), they could join a two-stage intervention program: a) complete an electronic sleep diary for one week, and b) follow personalized sleep recommendations for 10 days. Measures collected included socio-demographic information, ISI and sleep/wake schedules; and acceptance and trust of the agent.< Réduire
Mots clés en anglais
Sleep disorders
Virtual agents
COVID-19 confinement
Technology acceptance
Project ANR
Bordeaux Region Aquitaine Initiative for Neuroscience - ANR-10-LABX-0043
Phénotypage humain et réalité virtuelle - ANR-10-EQPX-0012
Phénotypage humain et réalité virtuelle - ANR-10-EQPX-0012
Unités de recherche