Microbial biomarkers of tree water status for next‐generation biomonitoring of forest ecosystems
Article de revue
Ce document a été publié dans
Molecular Ecology. 2023-10-10, vol. 32, n° 22, p. 5944-5958
Résumé en anglais
Next-generation biomonitoring proposes to combine machine-learning algorithms with environmental DNA data to automate the monitoring of the Earth's major ecosystems. In the present study, we searched for molecular biomarkers ...Lire la suite >
Next-generation biomonitoring proposes to combine machine-learning algorithms with environmental DNA data to automate the monitoring of the Earth's major ecosystems. In the present study, we searched for molecular biomarkers of tree water status to develop next-generation biomonitoring of forest ecosystems. Because phyllosphere microbial communities respond to both tree physiology and climate change, we investigated whether environmental DNA data from tree phyllosphere could be used as molecular biomarkers of tree water status in forest ecosystems. Using an amplicon sequencing approach, we analysed phyllosphere microbial communities of four tree species (Quercus ilex, Quercus robur, Pinus pinaster and Betula pendula) in a forest< Réduire
Mots clés en anglais
environmental DNA data
machine-learning algorithms
molecular biomarkers
next-generation biomonitoring
phyllosphere microbial communities
water stress
Project ANR
Biosurveillance Next-Gen des changements dans la structure et le fonctionnement des écosystèmes - ANR-17-CE32-0011
Diversité et Productivité des forêTs impactées par le Changement Climatique
Diversité et Productivité des forêTs impactées par le Changement Climatique
Importé de halUnités de recherche