Stranded in the high tide line: Spatial and temporal variability of beached microplastics in a semi-enclosed embayment (Arcachon, France)
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Science of the Total Environment. 2021-07-01p. 149144
Resumen en inglés
Coastal environments are a predominant ultimate destination of marine debris, becoming a key focus of studies
assessing microplastic (MP) contamination. Here,we described the visible fraction of MP(from0.5 to 5mm) ...Leer más >
Coastal environments are a predominant ultimate destination of marine debris, becoming a key focus of studies
assessing microplastic (MP) contamination. Here,we described the visible fraction of MP(from0.5 to 5mm) that
washed up during the high tide at different sites of a semi-enclosed mesotidal bay and investigated the main abiotic
factors driving MP beaching. Three contrasted beaches of the Arcachon Bay (SWFrance) were monitored on
amonthly basis during 2019. Samplingsweremade along a 100mlongitudinal transect at the high-water strandline
(4 quadrats of 0.25m2) and at an intermediate tidal range. Each sampled particle was characterized by morphometric
data (e.g. size, shape, color, roughness) and polymer identification was performed by ATR-FTIR
technique. Results show that MP concentration was higher on the beach located at the mouth of the bay (36.0
± 39.2 MP.m-2) than at the back and the outside of the bay (respectively 2.7 ± 4.4 and 1.7 ± 2.4 MP.m-2).
This may be related to the strong currents at the entry of the embayment and the beach orientation, exposed
to predominant winds. Beached MP were mainly pre-production pellets and fragments as they represented respectively
49% and 39% of all analyzed shapes. Polymerswith lowdensitywere particularly abundant. Polyethylene
represented 69% of all the particles while polypropylene accounted for 17% and polystyrene for 10%.We also
observed that MPwere mostlywashed upwhenwind,waves and river flowwere more intense. Analysis suggest
thatwind direction and speed are key factors influencing beaching as strong onshore wind enhance this process.< Leer menos
Palabras clave en inglés
Environmental factors
Atlantic coast
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