Mechanical response of a thick poroelastic gel in contactless colloidal-probe rheology
Article de revue
Ce document a été publié dans
Proceedings of the Royal Society of London A Mathematical and Physical Sciences. 2023, vol. 479, n° 2271, p. 20220832
Résumé en anglais
When a rigid object approaches a soft material in a viscous fluid, hydrodynamic stresses arise in the lubricated contact region and deform the soft material. The elastic deformation modifies in turn the flow, hence generating ...Lire la suite >
When a rigid object approaches a soft material in a viscous fluid, hydrodynamic stresses arise in the lubricated contact region and deform the soft material. The elastic deformation modifies in turn the flow, hence generating a soft-lubrication coupling. Moreover, soft elastomers and gels are often porous. These materials may be filled with solvent or uncrosslinked polymer chains, and might be permeable to the surrounding fluid, which complexifies further the description. Here, we derive the point-force response of a semi-infinite and permeable poroelastic substrate. Then, we use this fundamental solution in order to address the specific poroelastic lubrication coupling associated with contactless colloidal-probe methods. In particular, we derive the conservative and dissipative components of the force associated with the oscillating vertical motion of a sphere close to the poroelastic substrate. Our results may be relevant for dynamic surface force apparatus and contactless colloidal-probe atomic force microscopy experiments on soft, living and/or fragile materials, such as swollen hydrogels and biological membranes.< Réduire
Projet Européen
Brownian Motion near Soft Interfaces
Project ANR
Confinement des Polymères en Solution : Recherches Optiques Avancées Sous Confinement Extrême
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Capteur Interférométrique de Contraintes de Surface - ANR-21-CE06-0029
Frottements dans les systèmes complexes - ANR-21-CE06-0039
Mouvement brownien au voisinage d'interfaces molles - ANR-21-ERCC-0010
Capteur Interférométrique de Contraintes de Surface - ANR-21-CE06-0029
Frottements dans les systèmes complexes - ANR-21-CE06-0039
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