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dc.contributor.authorMAGRINI, L.
hal.structure.identifierLaboratoire d'Astrophysique de Bordeaux [Pessac] [LAB]
hal.structure.identifierUnivers, Théorie, Interfaces, Nanostructures, Atmosphère et environnement, Molécules (UMR 6213) [UTINAM]
dc.contributor.authorLAGARDE, Nadège
dc.contributor.authorCHARBONNEL, C.
dc.contributor.authorFRANCIOSINI, E.
dc.contributor.authorRANDICH, S.
dc.contributor.authorSMILJANIC, R.
dc.contributor.authorCASALI, G.
dc.contributor.authorVISCASILLAS VAZQUEZ, C.
dc.contributor.authorSPINA, L.
dc.contributor.authorBIAZZO, K.
dc.contributor.authorPASQUINI, L.
dc.contributor.authorBRAGAGLIA, A.
dc.contributor.authorVAN DER SWAELMEN, M.
dc.contributor.authorTAUTVAISIENE, G.
dc.contributor.authorINNO, L.
dc.contributor.authorSANNA, N.
dc.contributor.authorPRISINZANO, L.
dc.contributor.authorDEGL'INNOCENTI, S.
dc.contributor.authorPRADA MORONI, P.
dc.contributor.authorROCCATAGLIATA, V.
dc.contributor.authorTOGNELLI, E.
dc.contributor.authorMONACO, L.
dc.contributor.authorDE LAVERNY, P.
dc.contributor.authorDELGADO-MENA, E.
dc.contributor.authorBARATELLA, M.
dc.contributor.authorD'ORAZI, V.
dc.contributor.authorVALLENARI, A.
dc.contributor.authorGONNEAU, A.
dc.contributor.authorWORLEY, C.
dc.contributor.authorJIMENEZ-ESTEBAN, F.
dc.contributor.authorJOFRE, P.
dc.contributor.authorBENSBY, T.
dc.contributor.authorFRANCOIS, P.
dc.contributor.authorGUIGLION, G.
dc.contributor.authorBAYO, A.
dc.contributor.authorJERIES, R. D.
dc.contributor.authorBINKS, A. S.
dc.contributor.authorGILMORE, G.
dc.contributor.authorDAMIANI, F.
dc.contributor.authorKORN, A.
dc.contributor.authorPANCINO, E.
dc.contributor.authorSACCO, G. G.
dc.contributor.authorHOURIHANE, A.
dc.contributor.authorMORBIDELLI, L.
dc.contributor.authorZAGGIA, S.
dc.descriptiontable2.dat 71x106 Parameters of the Li-rich giant stars in the field; tablea1.dat 57x67 Parameters of our sample of open clusters from; Gaia-ESO IDR6 ; tablea2.dat 4212x101 Cluster member stars; tablea3.dat 7369x114 Field stars
dc.description.abstractEnWe exploited a sample of giant stars with Li measurements in Gaia-ESO IDR6 to investigate the evolution of A(Li) from the MSTO to the giant phase. We combined the Gaia-ESO data with Gaia EDR3 to obtain the distances and stellar luminosities. We compared our lithium abundances with literature values and found a good agreement. (4 data files).
dc.publisherEDP Sciences
dc.source.titleVizieR Online Data Catalog: Li abundance and mixing in giant stars (Magrini+, 2021)
dc.subject.enMilky Way
dc.subject.enClusters: open
dc.subject.enStars: giant
dc.title.enVizieR Online Data Catalog: Li abundance and mixing in giant stars (Magrini+, 2021)
dc.typeAutre document
dc.subject.halPhysique [physics]/Astrophysique [astro-ph]
bordeaux.journalAstronomy and Astrophysics - A&A
bordeaux.title.proceedingVizieR Online Data Catalog: Li abundance and mixing in giant stars (Magrini+, 2021)
dc.title.itVizieR Online Data Catalog: Li abundance and mixing in giant stars (Magrini+, 2021)

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