Bulletin BiblioDem 2023-20-03
N°spécial de revue/special issue
This item was published in
2023-03-20, vol. 20, n° 3, p. 8
Articles analysés dans ce numéro : 1. Bancks MP, Byrd GS, Caban-Holt A, Fitzpatrick AL, Forrester SN, Hayden KM, et al. Self-reported experiences of discrimination and incident dementia. Alzheimers Dement. 2023.
2. Dubbelman ...Read more >
Articles analysés dans ce numéro : 1. Bancks MP, Byrd GS, Caban-Holt A, Fitzpatrick AL, Forrester SN, Hayden KM, et al. Self-reported experiences of discrimination and incident dementia. Alzheimers Dement. 2023.
2. Dubbelman MA, Sikkes SAM, Ebenau JL, van Leeuwenstijn M, Kroeze LA, Trieu C, et al. Changes in self- and study partner-perceived cognitive functioning in relation to amyloid status and future clinical progression: Findings from the SCIENCe project. Alzheimers Dement. 2023.
3. Florian H, Wang D, Arnold SE, Boada M, Guo Q, Jin Z, et al. Tilavonemab in early Alzheimer's disease: results from a phase 2, randomized, double-blind study. Brain. 2023.
4. Grasset L, Power MC, Crivello F, Tzourio C, Chene G, Dufouil C. How Traumatic Brain Injury History Relates to Brain Health MRI Markers and Dementia Risk: Findings from the 3C Dijon Cohort. J Alzheimers Dis. 2023;92(1):183-93.
5. Huang AR, Roth DL, Cidav T, Chung SE, Amjad H, Thorpe RJ, Jr., et al. Social isolation and 9-year dementia risk in community-dwelling Medicare beneficiaries in the United States. J Am Geriatr Soc. 2023;71(3):765-73.
6. Jia J, Zhao T, Liu Z, Liang Y, Li F, Li Y, et al. Association between healthy lifestyle and memory decline in older adults: 10 year, population based, prospective cohort study. BMJ. 2023;380:e072691.
7. Salvado G, Larsson V, Cody KA, Cullen NC, Jonaitis EM, Stomrud E, et al. Optimal combinations of CSF biomarkers for predicting cognitive decline and clinical conversion in cognitively unimpaired participants and mild cognitive impairment patients: A multi-cohort study. Alzheimers Dement. 2023.Read less <