Establishment of second-growth forests in human landscapes: ecological mechanisms and genetic consequences
Centre for Ecological Research and Applied Forestries = Centre de Recerca Ecologica i Aplicacions Forestals [CREAF]
Wilfrid Laurier University [WLU]
Centre for Ecological Research and Applied Forestries = Centre de Recerca Ecologica i Aplicacions Forestals [CREAF]
Wilfrid Laurier University [WLU]
Centre for Ecological Research and Applied Forestries = Centre de Recerca Ecologica i Aplicacions Forestals [CREAF]
Wilfrid Laurier University [WLU]
< Réduire
Centre for Ecological Research and Applied Forestries = Centre de Recerca Ecologica i Aplicacions Forestals [CREAF]
Wilfrid Laurier University [WLU]
Article de revue
Ce document a été publié dans
Annals of Forest Science. 2020-09, vol. 77, n° 3, p. 1-5
Springer Nature (since 2011)/EDP Science (until 2010)
Résumé en anglais
Key message : This special issue gathers articles arising from the ERA-NET BiodivERsA3 research project “Unraveling the Potential of Spontaneous Forest Establishment for Improving Ecosystem Functions and Services in Dynamic ...Lire la suite >
Key message : This special issue gathers articles arising from the ERA-NET BiodivERsA3 research project “Unraveling the Potential of Spontaneous Forest Establishment for Improving Ecosystem Functions and Services in Dynamic Landscapes (SPONFOREST)”. Using a broad spectrum of research approaches, they provide detailed insights into how new forest stands establish and which consequences the establishment process has for their character and functioning.< Réduire
Mots clés en anglais
European Green Deal
Landscape defragmentation
Passive restauration
Rural abandonment
Spontaneous forest regeneration
Project ANR
Unraveling the potential of SPONtaneous FORest ESTablishment for improving ecosystem functions and services in dynamic landscapes - ANR-16-EBI3-0011
Importé de halUnités de recherche