Helical bunching and symmetry lowering inducing multiferroicity in Fe langasites
CHAIX, Laura
Matériaux, Rayonnements, Structure [NEEL - MRS]
Institut Laue-Langevin [ILL]
Standford University
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Matériaux, Rayonnements, Structure [NEEL - MRS]
Institut Laue-Langevin [ILL]
Standford University
CHAIX, Laura
Matériaux, Rayonnements, Structure [NEEL - MRS]
Institut Laue-Langevin [ILL]
Standford University
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Matériaux, Rayonnements, Structure [NEEL - MRS]
Institut Laue-Langevin [ILL]
Standford University
Article de revue
Ce document a été publié dans
Physical Review B. 2016-06-16, vol. 93, n° 21, p. 214419
American Physical Society
Résumé en anglais
The chiral Fe-based langasites represent model systems of triangle-based frustrated magnets with a strong potential for multiferroicity. We report neutron scattering measurements for the multichiral Ba3MFe3Si2O14 (M = Nb, ...Lire la suite >
The chiral Fe-based langasites represent model systems of triangle-based frustrated magnets with a strong potential for multiferroicity. We report neutron scattering measurements for the multichiral Ba3MFe3Si2O14 (M = Nb, Ta) langasites revealing new important features of the magnetic order of these systems: the bunching of the helical modulation along the c-axis and the in-plane distortion of the 120° Fe-spin arrangement. We discuss these subtle features in terms of the microscopic spin Hamiltonian, and provide the link to the magnetically-induced electric polarization observed in these systems. Thus, our findings put the multiferroicity of this attractive family of materials on solid ground.< Réduire
Mots clés en anglais
neutron scattering
Project ANR
Effets magnéto-électriques dynamiques : études expérimentale et théorique des excitations hybrides
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