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dc.contributor.authorGAVRAS, P.
dc.contributor.authorSINACHOPOULOS, D.
hal.structure.identifierUniversité Sciences et Technologies - Bordeaux 1 [UB]
hal.structure.identifierLaboratoire d'Astrophysique de Bordeaux [Pessac] [LAB]
hal.structure.identifierObservatoire aquitain des sciences de l'univers [OASU]
hal.structure.identifierLaboratoire d'astrodynamique, d'astrophysique et d'aéronomie de bordeaux [L3AB]
dc.contributor.authorLE CAMPION, J.-F.
hal.structure.identifierUniversité Sciences et Technologies - Bordeaux 1 [UB]
hal.structure.identifierLaboratoire d'Astrophysique de Bordeaux [Pessac] [LAB]
hal.structure.identifierObservatoire aquitain des sciences de l'univers [OASU]
hal.structure.identifierLaboratoire d'astrodynamique, d'astrophysique et d'aéronomie de bordeaux [L3AB]
dc.contributor.authorDUCOURANT, C.
dc.descriptionVizieR On-line Data Catalog: J/A+A/521/A4. Originally published in: 2010A&A...521A...4G
dc.description.abstractEnWe present a catalogue of 2572 new double stars with common proper motion and angular separation smaller than 2 arcminutes, found in PM2000 proper motion catalogue. To this catalogue we add an annex of 259 of common proper motion doublestars with angular separation between 2 and 5 arcminutes and proper motion larger than 50mas/yr. A by-product of this work was the identification in PM2000 and remeasurement of 926 WDS double stars. (3 data files).
dc.subjectStars: double and multiple
dc.subjectProper motions
dc.typeAutre document
dc.subject.halPlanète et Univers [physics]/Astrophysique [astro-ph]/Astrophysique galactique [astro-ph.GA]
dc.subject.halPhysique [physics]/Astrophysique [astro-ph]/Astrophysique galactique [astro-ph.GA]
hal.audienceNon spécifiée
dc.title.ptCPMDS catalogue (Gavras+, 2010)

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