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dc.contributor.authorMARSH, K. A.
dc.contributor.authorGRIFFIN, M. J.
dc.contributor.authorPALMEIRIM, P.
hal.structure.identifierAstrophysique Interprétation Modélisation [AIM (UMR7158 / UMR_E_9005 / UM_112)]
dc.contributor.authorANDRÉ, Ph.
dc.contributor.authorKIRK, J.
dc.contributor.authorSTAMATELLOS, D.
hal.structure.identifierSchool of Physics and Astronomy [Cardiff]
dc.contributor.authorWARD-THOMPSON, D.
hal.structure.identifierMilieux aquatiques, écologie et pollutions [UR MALY]
dc.contributor.authorROY, A.
hal.structure.identifierFORMATION STELLAIRE 2014
dc.contributor.authorBONTEMPS, Sylvain
hal.structure.identifierHerzberg Institute of Astrophysics
dc.contributor.authorDI FRANCESCO, J.
dc.contributor.authorELIA, D.
hal.structure.identifierAstrophysique Interprétation Modélisation [AIM (UMR7158 / UMR_E_9005 / UM_112)]
dc.contributor.authorHILL, T.
dc.contributor.authorKONYVES, V.
hal.structure.identifierInstitut de Recherches sur les lois Fondamentales de l'Univers [IRFU]
dc.contributor.authorMOTTE, F.
hal.structure.identifierAstrophysique Interprétation Modélisation [AIM (UMR7158 / UMR_E_9005 / UM_112)]
dc.contributor.authorNGUYEN-LUONG, Q.
hal.structure.identifierAstrophysique Interprétation Modélisation [AIM (UMR7158 / UMR_E_9005 / UM_112)]
dc.contributor.authorPERETTO, N.
hal.structure.identifierIstituto di Fisica dello Spazio Interplanetario [IFSI]
dc.contributor.authorPEZZUTO, S.
dc.contributor.authorRIVERA-INGRAHAM, A.
hal.structure.identifierFORMATION STELLAIRE 2014
dc.contributor.authorSCHNEIDER, N.
hal.structure.identifierAntarctic Research a European Network for Astrophysics [ARENA]
dc.contributor.authorSPINOGLIO, L.
hal.structure.identifierSTFC Rutherford Appleton Laboratory [RAL]
dc.contributor.authorWHITE, G.
dc.description.abstractEnThe density and temperature structures of dense cores in the L1495 cloud of the Taurus star-forming region are investigated using Herschel SPIRE and PACS images in the 70 $\mu$m, 160 $\mu$m, 250 $\mu$m, 350 $\mu$m and 500 $\mu$m continuum bands. A sample consisting of 20 cores, selected using spectral and spatial criteria, is analysed using a new maximum likelihood technique, COREFIT, which takes full account of the instrumental point spread functions. We obtain central dust temperatures, $T_0$, in the range 6-12 K and find that, in the majority of cases, the radial density falloff at large radial distances is consistent with the $r^{-2}$ variation expected for Bonnor-Ebert spheres. Two of our cores exhibit a significantly steeper falloff, however, and since both appear to be gravitationally unstable, such behaviour may have implications for collapse models. We find a strong negative correlation between $T_0$ and peak column density, as expected if the dust is heated predominantly by the interstellar radiation field. At the temperatures we estimate for the core centres, carbon-bearing molecules freeze out as ice mantles on dust grains, and this behaviour is supported here by the lack of correspondence between our estimated core locations and the previously-published positions of H$^{13}$CO$^+$ peaks. On this basis, our observations suggest a sublimation-zone radius typically $\sim 10^4$ AU. Comparison with previously-published N$_2$H$^+$ data at 8400 AU resolution, however, shows no evidence for N$_2$H$^+$ depletion at that resolution.
dc.publisherOxford University Press (OUP): Policy P - Oxford Open Option A
dc.title.enProperties of Starless and Prestellar Cores in Taurus Revealed by Herschel SPIRE/PACS Imaging
dc.typeArticle de revue
dc.subject.halPlanète et Univers [physics]/Astrophysique [astro-ph]/Astrophysique stellaire et solaire [astro-ph.SR]
dc.subject.halPhysique [physics]/Astrophysique [astro-ph]/Astrophysique stellaire et solaire [astro-ph.SR]
bordeaux.journalMonthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society

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