Navigation Laboratoire d'Astrophysique de Bordeaux (LAB) - UMR 5804 par Discipline "Chimie/Chimie théorique et/ou physique"
Voici les éléments 1-9 de 9
An Experimental and Theoretical Investigation of the Gas-Phase C( 3 P) + N 2 O Reaction. Low Temperature Rate Constants and Astrochemical Implications
(Journal of Physical Chemistry A. vol. 126, n° 6, pp. 940-950, 2022)Article de revue -
An experimental and theoretical investigation of the N( 2 D) + C 6 H 6 (benzene) reaction with implications for the photochemical models of Titan
(Faraday Discussions. vol. 245, pp. 327-351, 2023-09-20)Article de revue -
A low temperature investigation of the N( 2 D) + CH 4 , C 2 H 6 and C 3 H 8 reactions
(Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics. vol. 21, n° 12, pp. 6574-6581, 2019)Article de revue -
Thermal Desorption of Interstellar Ices: A Review on the Controlling Parameters and Their Implications from Snowlines to Chemical Complexity
(ACS Earth and Space Chemistry. vol. 6, pp. 597-630, 2022-03-17)Article de revue -
1D photochemical model of the ionosphere and the stratosphere of Neptune
(Icarus. vol. 335, pp. 113375, 2020-01-01)Article de revue -
A Decade with VAMDC: Results and Ambitions
(Atoms. vol. 8, n° 4, pp. 76, 2020-12)Article de revue -
[Sans titre]
(Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer. vol. 111, n° 15, pp. 2265-2278, 2010)Article de revue -
Laboratory spectroscopy of methoxymethanol in the millimeter-wave range
(Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics. vol. 20, n° 8, pp. 5509-5516, 2018-02-21)Article de revue -
Kinetic Study of the Gas-Phase Reaction between Atomic Carbon and Acetone: Low-Temperature Rate Constants and Hydrogen Atom Product Yields
(ACS Earth and Space Chemistry. vol. 7, n° 10, pp. 2091–2104, 2023)Article de revue