Appiano Lib. 136 e la data di fondazione della colonia cesariana di Cartagine
Ausonius-Institut de recherche sur l'Antiquité et le Moyen âge
LabEx Sciences archéologiques de Bordeaux [LASCARBX]
Ausonius-Institut de recherche sur l'Antiquité et le Moyen âge
LabEx Sciences archéologiques de Bordeaux [LASCARBX]
Ausonius-Institut de recherche sur l'Antiquité et le Moyen âge
LabEx Sciences archéologiques de Bordeaux [LASCARBX]
< Réduire
Ausonius-Institut de recherche sur l'Antiquité et le Moyen âge
LabEx Sciences archéologiques de Bordeaux [LASCARBX]
Article de revue
Ce document a été publié dans
Rivista di cultura classica e medioevale. 2005, vol. 47, p. 291--304
Résumé en italien
This article discusses a passage of Apppian (Lib. 136) stating that the founder of the new Roman colony of Carthage had been Octavian and not Caesar, as normally deduced by the chronology of a refoundation 102 years after ...Lire la suite >
This article discusses a passage of Apppian (Lib. 136) stating that the founder of the new Roman colony of Carthage had been Octavian and not Caesar, as normally deduced by the chronology of a refoundation 102 years after the destruction of 146 BC followed by Solin and by Appian himself. A closer look to the passage, though, reveals a clear derivation from the autobiography of Augustus and must therefore been considered correct. It follows then that Octavian knew about his father's project about Carthage only after becoming consul in August 43 BC, but colonists were sent out only under the triumvirate. Hence the appellation "Concordia" that Carthage shares with other triumviral foundations. Nevertheless, the connection with Caesar remained strong and this explains the discrepant chronology< Réduire
Mots clés en italien
Carthage (Extinct city)
Roman Colonies
Roman triumvirate
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