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hal.structure.identifierGéoressources et environnement
dc.contributor.authorPACE, Aurélie
hal.structure.identifierGéoressources et environnement
dc.contributor.authorBOURILLOT, Raphaël
hal.structure.identifierBiogéosciences [UMR 6282] [BGS]
dc.contributor.authorBOUTON, Anthony
hal.structure.identifierBiogéosciences [UMR 6282] [BGS]
dc.contributor.authorVENNIN, Emmanuelle
hal.structure.identifierGéoressources et environnement
dc.contributor.authorGALAUP, Serge
hal.structure.identifierBiogéosciences [UMR 6282] [BGS]
dc.contributor.authorBUNDELEVA, Irina
hal.structure.identifierHydrogéologie, argiles, sols et altérations - FRE3114 [HydrASA]
dc.contributor.authorPATRIER MAS, Patricia
hal.structure.identifierDepartment of Geological Sciences [Stockholm]
dc.contributor.authorDUPRAZ, Christophe
hal.structure.identifierBiogéosciences [UMR 6282] [BGS]
dc.contributor.authorTHOMAZO, Christophe
hal.structure.identifierDomaines Océaniques [LDO]
dc.contributor.authorSANSJOFRE, Pierre
hal.structure.identifierAtmosphere and Ocean Research Institute [Kashiwa-shi] [AORI]
dc.contributor.authorYOKOYAMA, Yusuke
hal.structure.identifierGéoressources et environnement
dc.contributor.authorFRANCESCHI, Michel
dc.contributor.authorANGUY, Yannick
IDREF: 129650307
hal.structure.identifierGéoressources et environnement
dc.contributor.authorPIGOT, Léa
dc.contributor.authorVIRGONE, Aurélien
hal.structure.identifierCenter for Integrative Geosciences
dc.contributor.authorVISSCHER, Pieter T.
dc.description.abstractEnMicrobialites are widespread in modern and fossil hypersaline environments, where they provide a unique sedimentary archive. Authigenic mineral precipitation in modern microbialites results from a complex interplay between microbial metabolisms, organic matrices and environmental parameters. Here, we combined mineralogical and microscopic analyses with measurements of metabolic activity in order to characterise the mineralisation of microbial mats forming microbialites in the Great Salt Lake (Utah, USA). Our results show that the mineralisation process takes place in three steps progressing along geochemical gradients produced through microbial activity. First, a poorly crystallized Mg-Si phase precipitates on alveolar extracellular organic matrix due to a rise of the pH in the zone of active oxygenic photosynthesis. Second, aragonite patches nucleate in close proximity to sulfate reduction hotspots, as a result of the degradation of cyanobacteria and extracellular organic matrix mediated by, among others, sulfate reducing bacteria. A final step consists of partial replacement of aragonite by dolomite, possibly in neutral to slightly acidic porewater. This might occur due to dissolution-precipitation reactions when the most recalcitrant part of the organic matrix is degraded. The mineralisation pathways proposed here provide pivotal insight for the interpretation of microbial processes in past hypersaline environments.
dc.publisherNature Publishing Group
dc.title.enMicrobial and diagenetic steps leading to the mineralisation of Great Salt Lake microbialites.
dc.typeArticle de revue
dc.subject.halPlanète et Univers [physics]/Sciences de la Terre/Géochimie
bordeaux.journalScientific Reports
bordeaux.hal.laboratoriesInstitut de Mécanique et d’Ingénierie de Bordeaux (I2M) - UMR 5295*
bordeaux.institutionUniversité de Bordeaux
bordeaux.institutionBordeaux INP
bordeaux.institutionArts et Métiers

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