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hal.structure.identifierAlgorithmics for computationally intensive applications over wide scale distributed platforms [CEPAGE]
hal.structure.identifierLaboratoire Bordelais de Recherche en Informatique [LaBRI]
dc.contributor.authorEYRAUD-DUBOIS, Lionel
hal.structure.identifierAlgorithmics for computationally intensive applications over wide scale distributed platforms [CEPAGE]
dc.contributor.authorUZNANSKI, Przemyslaw
dc.description.abstractEnIn large scale Internet platforms, measuring the available bandwidth between nodes of the platform is difficult and costly. However, having access to this information allows to design clever algorithms to optimize resource usage for some collective communications, like broadcasting a message or organizing master/slave computations. In this paper, we analyze the feasibility to provide estimations, based on a limited number of measurements, for the point-to-point available bandwidth values, and for the congestion which happens when several communications take place at the same time. We present a dataset obtained with both types of measurements performed on a set of nodes from the PlanetLab platform. We show that matrix factorization techniques are quite efficient at predicting point-to-point available bandwidth, but are not adapted for congestion analysis. However, a LastMile modeling of the platform allows to perform congestion predictions with a reasonable level of accuracy, even with a small amount of information, despite the variability of the measured platform.
dc.description.sponsorshipSimulation de systèmes de prochaine génération - ANR-11-INFR-0013
dc.title.enPoint-to-point and congestion bandwidth estimation: experimental evaluation on PlanetLab
dc.typeDocument de travail - Pré-publication
dc.subject.halInformatique [cs]/Calcul parallèle, distribué et partagé [cs.DC]
bordeaux.hal.laboratoriesLaboratoire Bordelais de Recherche en Informatique (LaBRI) - UMR 5800*
bordeaux.institutionUniversité de Bordeaux
bordeaux.institutionBordeaux INP
hal.audienceNon spécifiée

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