CES EduPack Database for bulk fucntional materials
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Granta Education Hub : Teaching Resources [online], Granta Education Hub : Teaching Resources [online]. 2015p. papfmden (40 p.)
Granta Design Limitied (Oxford)
Résumé en anglais
Although there is no standard definition of functional materials, it is commonly taken to mean materials with “interesting” properties that allow them to do more than simply support loads or conduct heat or electricity. ...Lire la suite >
Although there is no standard definition of functional materials, it is commonly taken to mean materials with “interesting” properties that allow them to do more than simply support loads or conduct heat or electricity. Functional materials respond to applied stimuli in non-intuitive ways, for example generating a voltage upon application of strain or cooling on application of a magnetic field. Examples of this sort of property are listed in Table 1...< Réduire
Mots clés en anglais
White Paper
Materials science and Engineering
CES EduPack
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