Mutational robustness of intrinsically disordered proteins: a comparative study between the potyvirus intrinsically disordered VPg and the plant susceptibility factor eIF4E
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Ce document a été publié dans
16. Rencontres de Virologie Végétale (RVV 2017), 2017-01-15, Aussois. 2017p. np
Résumé en anglais
Mutational robustness of intrinsically disordered proteins: a comparative study between the potyvirus intrinsically disordered VPg and the plant susceptibility factor eIF4E. 16. Rencontres de Virologie Végétale (RVV 2017)
Mutational robustness of intrinsically disordered proteins: a comparative study between the potyvirus intrinsically disordered VPg and the plant susceptibility factor eIF4E. 16. Rencontres de Virologie Végétale (RVV 2017)< Réduire
Mots clés
santé des plantes
virus phytopathogène
pathologie végétale
Mots clés en anglais
intrinsically disordered protein
Yeast two hybrid
error prone PCR
plant health
phytopathogenic virus
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