From an antiferromagnetic insulator to a strongly correlated metal in square-lattice MCl2(pyrazine)2 coordination solids
PERLEPE, Panagiota
Centre de Recherche Paul Pascal [CRPP]
Institut de Chimie de la Matière Condensée de Bordeaux [ICMCB]
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Centre de Recherche Paul Pascal [CRPP]
Institut de Chimie de la Matière Condensée de Bordeaux [ICMCB]
PERLEPE, Panagiota
Centre de Recherche Paul Pascal [CRPP]
Institut de Chimie de la Matière Condensée de Bordeaux [ICMCB]
Centre de Recherche Paul Pascal [CRPP]
Institut de Chimie de la Matière Condensée de Bordeaux [ICMCB]
NEATON, Jeffrey
Department of Physics [Berkeley]
Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory [Berkeley] [LBNL]
Department of Physics [Berkeley]
Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory [Berkeley] [LBNL]
LONG, Jeffrey
Department of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering [Los Angeles]
Department of Chemistry [Berkeley]
< Réduire
Department of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering [Los Angeles]
Department of Chemistry [Berkeley]
Article de revue
Ce document a été publié dans
Nature Communications. 2022, vol. 13, p. 5766
Nature Publishing Group
Résumé en anglais
Electronic synergy between metal ions and organic linkers is a key to engineering molecule-based materials with a high electrical conductivity and, ultimately, metallicity. To enhance conductivity in metal-organic solids, ...Lire la suite >
Electronic synergy between metal ions and organic linkers is a key to engineering molecule-based materials with a high electrical conductivity and, ultimately, metallicity. To enhance conductivity in metal-organic solids, chemists aim to bring the electrochemical potentials of the constituent metal ions and bridging organic ligands closer in a quest to obtain metal- d and ligand- π admixed frontier bands. Herein, we demonstrate the critical role of the metal ion in tuning the electronic ground state of such materials. While VCl 2 (pyrazine) 2 is an electrical insulator, TiCl 2 (pyrazine) 2 displays the highest room-temperature electronic conductivity (5.3 S cm –1 ) for any metal-organic solid involving octahedrally coordinated metal ions. Notably, TiCl 2 (pyrazine) 2 exhibits Pauli paramagnetism consistent with the specific heat, supporting the existence of a Fermi liquid state (i.e., a correlated metal). This result widens perspectives for designing molecule-based systems with strong metal-ligand covalency and electronic correlations.< Réduire
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