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hal.structure.identifierEnvironnements et Paléoenvironnements OCéaniques [EPOC]
dc.contributor.authorCASTELLE, Bruno
IDREF: 087596520
hal.structure.identifierUniversity of New South Wales [Sydney] [UNSW]
dc.contributor.authorMCCARROLL, R. Jak
hal.structure.identifierUniversity of New South Wales [Sydney] [UNSW]
dc.contributor.authorBRANDER, Robert
hal.structure.identifierPlymouth University
dc.contributor.authorSCOTT, Timothy
hal.structure.identifierEnvironnements et Paléoenvironnements OCéaniques [EPOC]
dc.contributor.authorDUBARBIER, Benjamin
dc.description.abstractEnRip currents are a leading cause of drowning on beaches worldwide. How bathers caught in a rip current should attempt to escape has been a subject of recent debate. A numerical model of human bathers escaping from a rip current flow field is applied to a 2-km long section of the open beach of Biscarrosse, SW France. The study area comprises 4 rip channels that visually appear similar from the beach, but exhibit different morphologies. Simulations are run for 2 representative hazardous summer wave conditions. Results show that small changes in the bar/rip morphology have a large impact on the rip flow field, and in turn on the alongshore variability of the optimal rip current escape strategy. The overall flow regime (dominant surf-zone exits versus dominant recirculation), which is found to be influenced by the alongshore dimensions of the sand bars adjacent to the rip channel, is more important to rip current escape strategy than rip velocity. Flow regime was found to dictate the success of the stay afloat strategy, with greater success for recirculating flow. By comparison, the dominant longshore feeder current and rip-neck orientation determined the best direction to swim parallel toward. For obliquely incident waves, swim parallel downdrift then swim onshore with breaking waves was highly successful and can become a simple safety message for beach safety practitioners to communicate to the general public. However, in SW France where rip spacing is large (∼400 m), surf-zone eddies have large spatial scales of the order of 100+ m, requiring a large distance (100+ m) to swim to reach safety, therefore requiring good swimming ability. This also shows that in addition to rip current intensity, rip flow regime and the depth of adjacent sand bars, rip spacing is important for defining rip current hazard and the best safety message. Our results also indicate that for normal to near-normal wave incidence, rip current hazard and best rip current escape strategy are highly variable alongshore due to subtle differences in bar/rip morphology from one rip system to another. These findings challenge the objective of developing a universal rip current escape strategy message on open rip-channelled beaches exposed to normal to near-normal wave incidence, even for seemingly similar rip channels.
dc.subject.enRip current
dc.subject.enbeach safety
dc.subject.enescape strategy
dc.subject.enalongshore variability
dc.subject.enrip channel morphology
dc.subject.enrip flow regime
dc.title.enModelling the alongshore variability of optimum rip current escape strategies on a multiple rip-channelled beach
dc.typeArticle de revueen_US
dc.subject.halPlanète et Univers [physics]/Sciences de la Terre/Océanographieen_US
bordeaux.journalNatural Hazardsen_US
bordeaux.hal.laboratoriesEPOC : Environnements et Paléoenvironnements Océaniques et Continentaux - UMR 5805en_US
bordeaux.institutionUniversité de Bordeauxen_US
dc.rights.ccPas de Licence CCen_US

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