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hal.structure.identifierCentre Régional de Lutte contre le Cancer François Baclesse [Caen] [UNICANCER/CRLC]
dc.contributor.authorGARDY, Joséphine
hal.structure.identifierUnité de recherche interdisciplinaire pour la prévention et le traitement des cancers [ANTICIPE]
dc.contributor.authorWILSON, Sarah
dc.contributor.authorGUIZARD, Anne‐valérie
hal.structure.identifierUniversité de Caen Normandie [UNICAEN]
hal.structure.identifierUnité de recherche interdisciplinaire pour la prévention et le traitement des cancers [ANTICIPE]
dc.contributor.authorBOUVIER, Véronique
hal.structure.identifierUnité de recherche interdisciplinaire pour la prévention et le traitement des cancers [ANTICIPE]
dc.contributor.authorLAUNAY, Ludivine
hal.structure.identifierCHU Trousseau [Tours]
dc.contributor.authorALVES, Arnaud
hal.structure.identifierRegistre des cancers de la Manche [CHPC - Site Louis Pasteur]
dc.contributor.authorBARA, Simona
hal.structure.identifierLipides - Nutrition - Cancer [Dijon - U1231] [LNC]
dc.contributor.authorBOUVIER, Anne‐marie
hal.structure.identifierBordeaux population health [BPH]
dc.contributor.authorCOUREAU, Gaelle
hal.structure.identifierEquipe EQUITY (CERPOP)
hal.structure.identifierSite de Recherche Intégrée sur le Cancer - Imaging and Longitudinal Investigations to Ameliorate Decision-making [SIRIC-ILIAD]
hal.structure.identifierRéseau des registres français du cancer [FRANCIM]
dc.contributor.authorCOWPPLI-BONY, Anne
hal.structure.identifierCentre Régional de Lutte contre le cancer Georges-François Leclerc [Dijon] [UNICANCER/CRLCC-CGFL]
dc.contributor.authorDABAKUYO YONLI, Sandrine
hal.structure.identifierRegistre général des cancers du Tarn = Tarn Cancer Registry
hal.structure.identifierEquipe EQUITY (CERPOP)
hal.structure.identifierRéseau des registres français du cancer [FRANCIM]
hal.structure.identifierCentre Hospitalier Universitaire de Toulouse [CHU Toulouse]
dc.contributor.authorDAUBISSE-MARLIAC, Laëtitia
hal.structure.identifierUniversité de Poitiers = University of Poitiers [UP]
hal.structure.identifierCIC Poitiers – Centre d'investigation clinique de Poitiers [CIC 1402]
dc.contributor.authorDEFOSSEZ, Gautier
hal.structure.identifierBordeaux population health [BPH]
dc.contributor.authorHAMMAS, Karima
hal.structure.identifierCHU Limoges
dc.contributor.authorHURE, Florent
hal.structure.identifierRegistre Bourguignon des Cancers Digestifs
hal.structure.identifierLipides - Nutrition - Cancer [Dijon - U1231] [LNC]
dc.contributor.authorJOOSTE, Valérie
hal.structure.identifierCHirurgie, IMagerie et REgénération tissulaire de l’extrémité céphalique - Caractérisation morphologique et fonctionnelle - UR UPJV 7516 [CHIMERE]
hal.structure.identifierCHU Amiens-Picardie
dc.contributor.authorLAPOTRE-LEDOUX, Bénédicte
hal.structure.identifierCHU Brest - Service hépato-gastro-entérologie (CHU de Brest) [CHU Brest - Service hépato-gastro-entérologie]
dc.contributor.authorNOUSBAUM, Jean‐baptiste
hal.structure.identifierRéseau des registres français du cancer [FRANCIM]
hal.structure.identifierRegistre général des cancers de Lille et de sa région [GCS-C2RC]
dc.contributor.authorPLOUVIER, Sandrine
hal.structure.identifierCentre Hospitalier Universitaire [CHU Grenoble] [CHUGA]
dc.contributor.authorSEIGNEURIN, Arnaud
dc.contributor.authorTRETARRE, Brigitte
dc.contributor.authorVIGNERON, Nicolas
dc.contributor.authorWORONOFF, Anne‐sophie
dc.contributor.authorLAUNOY, Guy
dc.contributor.authorMOLINIE, Florence
dc.contributor.authorBRYERE, Joséphine
dc.contributor.authorDEJARDIN, Olivier
dc.description.abstractEnBackground The impact of geographical accessibility on cancer survival has been investigated in few studies, with most research focusing on access to reference care centers, using overall mortality and limited to specific cancer sites. This study aims to examine the association of access to primary care with mortality in excess of patients with the 10 most frequent cancers in France, while controlling for socioeconomic deprivation. Methods This study included a total of 151,984 cases diagnosed with the 10 most common cancer sites in 21 French cancer registries between 2013 and 2015. Access to primary care was estimated using two indexes: the Accessibilité Potentielle Localisée index (access to general practitioners) and the Scale index (access to a range of primary care clinicians). Mortality in excess was modelized using an additive framework based on expected mortality based on lifetables and observed mortality. Findings Patients living in areas with less access to primary care had a greater mortality in excess for some very common cancer sites like breast (women), lung (men), liver (men and women), and colorectal cancer (men), representing 46% of patients diagnosed in our sample. The maximum effect was found for breast cancer; the excess hazard ratio was estimated to be 1.69 (95% CI, 1.20–2.38) 1 year after diagnosis and 2.26 (95% CI, 1.07–4.80) 5 years after diagnosis. Interpretation This study revealed that this differential access to primary care was associated with mortality in excess for patients with cancer and should become a priority for health policymakers to reduce these inequalities in health care accessibility.
dc.subject.enexcess mortality
dc.subject.enprimary care
dc.title.enAccess to primary care and mortality in excess for patients with cancer in France: Results from 21 French Cancer Registries
dc.typeArticle de revueen_US
dc.subject.halSciences du Vivant [q-bio]/Canceren_US
dc.subject.halSciences du Vivant [q-bio]/Santé publique et épidémiologieen_US
bordeaux.hal.laboratoriesBordeaux Population Health Research Center (BPH) - UMR 1219en_US
bordeaux.institutionUniversité de Bordeauxen_US
dc.rights.ccPas de Licence CCen_US

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