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hal.structure.identifierTechnologie campus Gent - KU Leuven [KU Leuven]
dc.contributor.authorDESIE, Ellen
hal.structure.identifierTechnologie campus Gent - KU Leuven [KU Leuven]
hal.structure.identifierChinese Academy of Sciences [Beijing] [CAS]
dc.contributor.authorZUO, Juan
hal.structure.identifierUniversiteit Gent = Ghent University = Université de Gand [UGENT]
dc.contributor.authorVERHEYEN, Kris
hal.structure.identifierSwiss Federal Institute for Forest, Snow and Landscape Research WSL
dc.contributor.authorDJUKIC, Ika
hal.structure.identifierTechnologie campus Gent - KU Leuven [KU Leuven]
dc.contributor.authorVAN MEERBEEK, Koenraad
hal.structure.identifierHelmholtz Zentrum für Umweltforschung = Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research [UFZ]
hal.structure.identifierGerman Centre for Integrative Biodiversity Research [iDiv]
dc.contributor.authorAUGE, Harald
hal.structure.identifierForest Research [Great Britain]
dc.contributor.authorBARSOUM, Nadia
hal.structure.identifierUniversity of Rostock
dc.contributor.authorBAUM, Christel
hal.structure.identifierMartin-Luther-University Halle-Wittenberg
dc.contributor.authorBRUELHEIDE, Helge
hal.structure.identifierGerman Centre for Integrative Biodiversity Research [iDiv]
hal.structure.identifierLeipzig University / Universität Leipzig
dc.contributor.authorEISENHAUER, Nico
hal.structure.identifierUniversität Bayreuth [Deutschland] = University of Bayreuth [Germany] = Université de Bayreuth [Allemagne]
dc.contributor.authorFELDHAAR, Heike
hal.structure.identifierGerman Centre for Integrative Biodiversity Research [iDiv]
hal.structure.identifierLeipzig University / Universität Leipzig
dc.contributor.authorFERLIAN, Olga
hal.structure.identifierUniversité de Sherbrooke [UdeS]
dc.contributor.authorGRAVEL, Dominique
hal.structure.identifierBiodiversité, Gènes & Communautés [BioGeCo]
dc.contributor.authorJACTEL, Hervé
hal.structure.identifierIT University of Copenhagen [ITU]
dc.contributor.authorSCHMIDT, Inger Kappel
hal.structure.identifierIT University of Copenhagen [ITU]
dc.contributor.authorKEPFER-ROJAS, Sebastian
hal.structure.identifierBiodiversité, Gènes & Communautés [BioGeCo]
dc.contributor.authorMEREDIEU, Céline
hal.structure.identifierNational Research Council of Italy | Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche [CNR]
dc.contributor.authorMEREU, Simone
hal.structure.identifierUniversité du Québec à Montréal = University of Québec in Montréal [UQAM]
hal.structure.identifierUniversité du Québec en Outaouais [UQO]
dc.contributor.authorMESSIER, Christian
hal.structure.identifierUniversidad de Sevilla = University of Seville
dc.contributor.authorMORILLAS, Lourdes
hal.structure.identifierUniversity of Alberta
dc.contributor.authorNOCK, Charles
hal.structure.identifierUniversité du Québec à Montréal = University of Québec in Montréal [UQAM]
dc.contributor.authorPAQUETTE, Alain
hal.structure.identifierUniversité Catholique de Louvain = Catholic University of Louvain [UCL]
dc.contributor.authorPONETTE, Quentin
hal.structure.identifierUniversity of Minnesota System [UMN]
hal.structure.identifierWestern Sydney University
hal.structure.identifierUniversity of Michigan [Ann Arbor]
dc.contributor.authorREICH, Peter
hal.structure.identifierUniversidad Pablo de Olavide [Sevilla] [UPO]
dc.contributor.authorROALES, Javier
hal.structure.identifierAlbert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg = University of Freiburg
dc.contributor.authorSCHERER-LORENZEN, Michael
hal.structure.identifierUniversitätsklinikum Tübingen - University Hospital of Tübingen
dc.contributor.authorSEITZ, Steffen
hal.structure.identifierHelmholtz Zentrum für Umweltforschung = Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research [UFZ]
dc.contributor.authorSCHMIDT, Anja
hal.structure.identifierUniversity of Minnesota System [UMN]
dc.contributor.authorSTEFANSKI, Artur
hal.structure.identifierGerman Centre for Integrative Biodiversity Research [iDiv]
hal.structure.identifierMartin-Luther-University Halle-Wittenberg
dc.contributor.authorTROGISCH, Stefan
hal.structure.identifierBiodiversité, Gènes & Communautés [BioGeCo]
dc.contributor.authorHALDER, Inge Van
hal.structure.identifierSwedish University of Agricultural Sciences = Sveriges lantbruksuniversitet [SLU]
dc.contributor.authorWEIH, Martin
hal.structure.identifierUniversity of Minnesota System [UMN]
hal.structure.identifierWestern Sydney University
dc.contributor.authorWILLIAMS, Laura
dc.contributor.authorYANG, Bo
hal.structure.identifierTechnologie campus Gent - KU Leuven [KU Leuven]
dc.contributor.authorMUYS, Bart
dc.description.abstractEnLitter decomposition is a key ecosystem function in forests and varies in response to a range of climatic, edaphic, and local stand characteristics. Disentangling the relative contribution of these factors is challenging, especially along large environmental gradients. In particular, knowledge of the effect of management options, such as tree planting density and species composition, on litter decomposition would be highly valuable in forestry. In this study, we made use of 15 tree diversity experiments spread over eight countries and three continents within the global TreeDivNet network. We evaluated the effects of overstory composition (tree identity, species/mixture composition and species richness), plantation conditions (density and age), and climate (temperature and precipitation) on mass loss (after 3 months and 1 year) of two standardized litters: high-quality green tea and low-quality rooibos tea. Across continents, we found that early-stage decomposition of the low-quality rooibos tea was influenced locally by overstory tree identity. Mass loss of rooibos litter was higher under young gymnosperm overstories compared to angiosperm overstories, but this trend reversed with age of the experiment. Tree species richness did not influence decomposition and explained almost no variation in our multi-continent dataset. Hence, in the young plantations of our study, overstory composition effects on decomposition were mainly driven by tree species identity on decomposer communities and forest microclimates. After 12 months of incubation, mass loss of the high-quality green tea litter was mainly influenced by temperature whereas the low-quality rooibos tea litter decomposition showed stronger relationships with overstory composition and stand age. Our findings highlight that decomposition dynamics are not only affected by climate but also by management options, via litter quality of the identity of planted trees but also by overstory composition and structure.
dc.description.sponsorshipDiversité et Productivité des forêTs impactées par le Changement Climatique
dc.subject.enBiogeochemical cycle
dc.subject.enCarbon turnover
dc.subject.enMass loss
dc.subject.enTea bag initiative
dc.subject.enTree communities
dc.subject.enTree species richness
dc.title.enDisentangling drivers of litter decomposition in a multi-continent network of tree diversity experiments
dc.typeArticle de revue
dc.subject.halSciences de l'environnement/Biodiversité et Ecologie
bordeaux.journalScience of the Total Environment
bordeaux.issuePart 3

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