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dc.contributor.advisorMulle, Christophe
dc.contributor.authorMARNEFFE, Catherine
dc.contributor.otherGeorges, François
dc.contributor.otherSchmidt-Hieber, Christoph
dc.contributor.otherRampon, Claire
dc.contributor.otherMellor, Jack
dc.description.abstractCe projet étudie les changements dans la dynamique intracellulaire (propriétés synaptiques et intrinsèques) des neurones dans la région CA3 de l’hippocampe, pendant l’encodage d’une mémoire épisodique, chez la souris. L’architecture unique des circuits CA3 est censée permettre le stockage et le rappel rapide des mémoires associatives. Le réseau dense d’interconnexions entre les principales cellules de CA3 forme un réseau attracteur qui favoriserait ces processus. La capacité des circuits à générer des modèles d’activité rythmique essentiels pour différentes phases de la mémoire (encodage, consolidation, rappel) est basée sur la modulation des propriétés des neurones individuels en fonction des états cérébraux. À ce jour, aucune étude n’a examiné l’activité intracellulaire des neurones CA3 individuels.
dc.description.abstractEnThis project investigates the changes in the intracellular dynamics (synaptic and intrinsic properties) of neurons in the CA3 region of the hippocampus, during the encoding of an episodic-like memory, in mice.The unique architecture of CA3 circuits is thought to enable the storage and rapid recall of associative memories. The dense network of interconnections between the principal cells of CA3 forms an attractor network that would favor these processes. The ability of circuits to generate patterns of rhythmic activity essential for different phases of memory (encoding, consolidation, recall) is based on the modulation of the properties of individual neurons as a function of brain states. To date, no study has investigated the intracellular activity of individual CA3 neurons in awake animals. Ashley Kees and Meryl Malézieux in the laboratory have since 4 years developed very original techniques to record the intracellular dynamics of CA3 pyramidal cells in relation to the brain state of the animal. This relies on in vivo patch-clamp experiments in head-fixed awake mice, which provides rich information linking single cell activity to activity of neuronal ensembles. The great originality of the project consists in following the changes in the intracellular dynamics of CA3 cells, during memory processing of multimodal information. The thesis project is a follow-up to this work and will benefit from the methodological developments and analysis already carried out in the laboratory. These techniques will be supplemented by the development of behavioral memory protocols in a head-fixed animal, and the application of optogenetic techniques to modulate the activity of afferent neurons during the memory task.
dc.subjectPlasticité présynaptique
dc.subjectIn vivo
dc.subject.enPresynaptic plasticity
dc.subject.enIn vivo
dc.titlePlasticité présynaptique et encodage de la mémoire dans les circuits de l'hippocampe
dc.title.enPresynaptic plasticity and memory encoding in hippocampal circuits
dc.typeThèses de doctorat
dc.contributor.jurypresidentGeorges, François
bordeaux.hal.laboratoriesInstitut Interdisciplinaire de Neurosciences (Bordeaux)
bordeaux.ecole.doctoraleÉcole doctorale Sciences de la vie et de la santé (Bordeaux)
bordeaux.teamCircuits synaptiques de la mémoire
dc.contributor.rapporteurSchmidt-Hieber, Christoph
dc.contributor.rapporteurRampon, Claire

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