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hal.structure.identifierBiologie du fruit et pathologie [BFP]
dc.contributor.authorBRANCHEREAU, Camille
hal.structure.identifierBiologie du fruit et pathologie [BFP]
dc.contributor.authorQUERO-GARCÍA, José
dc.contributor.authorZARACHO-ECHAGÜE, Nathalia
hal.structure.identifierBiologie du fruit et pathologie [BFP]
dc.contributor.authorLAMBELIN, Laurine
hal.structure.identifierBiologie du fruit et pathologie [BFP]
dc.contributor.authorFOUCHÉ, Mathieu
hal.structure.identifierBiologie du fruit et pathologie [BFP]
dc.contributor.authorWENDEN, Bénédicte
hal.structure.identifierSyndicat des Sélectionneurs Avicoles et Aquacoles Français [SYSAAF]
dc.contributor.authorDONKPEGAN, Armel
hal.structure.identifierBiologie du fruit et pathologie [BFP]
dc.contributor.authorLE DANTEC, Loïck
hal.structure.identifierBiologie du fruit et pathologie [BFP]
dc.contributor.authorBARRENECHE, Teresa
hal.structure.identifierUnité Expérimentale Arboricole [UE ARBO]
dc.contributor.authorALLETRU, David
hal.structure.identifierUnité Expérimentale Arboricole [UE ARBO]
dc.contributor.authorPARMENTIER, Julien
hal.structure.identifierBiologie du fruit et pathologie [BFP]
dc.contributor.authorDIRLEWANGER, Elisabeth
dc.description.abstractEnFlowering date is an important trait in Prunus fruit species, especially for their adaptation in a global warming context. Numerous quantitative trait loci (QTLs) have been identified and a major one was previously located on LG4. The objectives of this study were to fine-map this QTL in sweet cherry, to identify robust candidate genes by using the new sweet cherry genome sequence of the cultivar ‘Regina’ and to define markers usable in marker-assisted selection (MAS). We performed QTL analyses on two populations derived from crosses using cultivars ‘Regina’ and ‘Garnet’ as parents. The first one (n = 117) was phenotyped over ten years, while the second one (n = 1386) was evaluated during three years. Kompetitive allele specific PCR (KASP) markers located within the QTL region on LG4 were developed and mapped within this region, consisting in the first fine mapping in sweet cherry. The QTL interval was narrowed from 380 kb to 68 kb and candidate genes were identified by using the genome sequence of ‘Regina’. Their expression was analyzed from bud dormancy period to flowering in cultivars ‘Regina’ and ‘Garnet’. Several genes, such as PavBOI-E3, PavSR45a and PavSAUR71, were differentially expressed in these two cultivars and could be then considered as promising candidate genes. Two KASP markers were validated using a population derived from a cross between cultivars ‘Regina’ and ‘Lapins’ and two collections, including landraces and modern cultivars. Thanks to the high synteny within the Prunus genus, these results give new insights into the control of flowering date in Prunus species and pave the way for the development of molecular breeding strategies.
dc.publisherNature Publishing Group
dc.subjectarbre fruitier
dc.subjectadaptation au climat
dc.subjectréchauffement climatique
dc.subjectcerisier doux
dc.title.enNew insights into flowering date in Prunus : fine mapping of a major QTL in sweet cherry
dc.typeArticle de revue
dc.subject.halSciences du Vivant [q-bio]
dc.subject.halSciences du Vivant [q-bio]/Biologie végétale/Amélioration des plantes
bordeaux.journalHorticulture research

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