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hal.structure.identifierBiodiversité, Gènes & Communautés [BioGeCo]
dc.contributor.authorJACTEL, Herve
hal.structure.identifierFaculty of Environment and Natural Resources
dc.contributor.authorBAUHUS, Jürgen
hal.structure.identifierDepartment of Forest Mycology and Plant Pathology
dc.contributor.authorBOBERG, Johanna
hal.structure.identifierEcologie et Ecophysiologie Forestières [devient SILVA en 2018] [EEF]
dc.contributor.authorBONAL, Damien
hal.structure.identifierBiodiversité, Gènes & Communautés [BioGeCo]
dc.contributor.authorCASTAGNEYROL, Bastien
hal.structure.identifierInteractions Sol Plante Atmosphère [UMR ISPA]
hal.structure.identifierEFI Atlantic
dc.contributor.authorGARDINER, Barry
hal.structure.identifierCentre de Ciència i Tecnologia Forestal de Catalunya [CTFC]
dc.contributor.authorGONZALEZ-OLABARRIA, Jose Ramon
hal.structure.identifierSchool of Biological Sciences [Egham)
dc.contributor.authorKORICHEVA, Julia
hal.structure.identifierNew Zealand Forest Research Institute
dc.contributor.authorMEURISSE, Nicolas
hal.structure.identifierNew Zealand Forest Research Institute
dc.contributor.authorBROCKERHOFF, Eckehard G.
dc.description.abstractEnPurpose of review Forests are frequently exposed to natural disturbances, which are likely to increase with global change, and may jeopardize the delivery of ecosystem services. Mixed-species forests have often been shown to be more productive than monocultures, but it is unclear whether this results from mixed stands being in part more resistant to various biotic and abiotic disturbance factors. This review investigates the relationships between tree diversity and stand resistance to natural disturbances and explores the ecological mechanisms behind the observed relationships.Recent findings Mixed forests appear to be more resistant than monocultures to small mammalian herbivores, soil-borne fungal diseases and specialized insect herbivores. Admixing broadleaves to conifers also increases the resistance to fire and windstorms when compared to pure conifer stands. However, mixed forests may be more affected by drought depending on the species in the mixture.Summary Overall, our findings suggest that mixed forests are more resistant to natural disturbances that are relatively small-scale and selective in their effect. However, benefits provided by mixtures are less evident for larger-scale disturbances. Higher tree diversity translates into increased resistance to disturbances as a result of ecological trait complementarity among species, reduction of fuel and food resources for herbivores, enhancement of diversion or disruption processes, and multi-trophic interactions such as predation or symbiosis.To promote resistance, the selection of tree species with different functional characteristics appears more important than increasing only the number of species in the stand. Trees with different levels of susceptibility to different hazards should be intermixed in order to reduce the amount of exposed resources and to generate barriers against contagion.However, more research is needed to further improve associational resistance in mixed forests, through a better understanding of the most relevant spatial and temporal scales of species interactions and to optimize the overall provision of ecosystem services.
dc.subjectincendie de forêt
dc.subjectinsecte herbivore
dc.subjectchampignon pathogène
dc.subjectforêt mixte
dc.subject.eninvasive species
dc.subject.eninsect herbivores
dc.subject.enfungal pathogens
dc.subject.enassociational resistance
dc.subject.enassociational susceptibility
dc.subject.enecosystem services
dc.subject.enmammalian browsers
dc.subject.ensingle crop farming
dc.subject.enforest fire
dc.subject.enfungal pathogen
dc.title.enTree diversity drives forest stand resistance to natural disturbances
dc.typeArticle de revue
dc.subject.halSciences du Vivant [q-bio]
bordeaux.journalCurrent Forestry Reports
hal.audienceNon spécifiée

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